Monday, July 16, 2007

Bonds on Everyone Else.

There is a big story brewing. Barry Bonds is creeping closer and closer to what is perhaps the most popular record in all of sports. When Hank Arron surpassed Babe Ruth as baseball's all-time home run hitter, there were rumblings that somewhat resembled outrage over him doing so. This outrage was primarily racially driven. Arron received death threats during his chase to the record. Just think about it a black man surpassing a white man in the 70's, even though Arron was a beloved figure in baseball, some people in the country didn't feel the same way about Hammering Hank. Now fast forward to the year 2007. Barry Bonds , a black man is about to pass another black man for the record, so what's the uproar this time? Its steroids silly. Now I'm not a baseball fan so I might not fell as passionately about this issue as others, but lets be honest is all of this hate against Bonds necessary. Did he used steroids? i would say yes, but again I would also say where's the proof. He did testify to unknowingly using some performance enhancing cream that was referred to as "The Clear' but no legal action was taking against Bonds nor did he receive any action from Major League Baseball. So with this unpunished revelation, plus the fact that he has never failed a drug test, a random drug test, or any other steroids evidence, the question has to be asked why is Bonds being so vilified. Vilified to the point that nomral citizens are going out of there way to protest Bonds' chase to the all time home run record.

Keith McDonough. owns a sport memorabilia shop in Chicago. He's calling, pleading for Bonds to retire before he breaks the record. In his argument he says that guys like Henry Arron did it the right way, meaning no steroids and Bonds is a disgrace to the game and shouldn't be allowed to break the record. Today he appeared on ESPN's First take and expressed his views. When(at this point only if Bonds have a career ending injury or dies, there is no if) he breaks the record he's calling for fans to burn signed bats, rookie cards, and other Bonds memorabilia. He's calling it a Bonds-Fire. So again why is it that fans are so opposed to Bonds. I may think this is the reason. Baseball is supposed to be the American past-time and with all of its history fans like to look at it as a pure game of athletics. Unlike many positions in Football or Basketball, a Baseball player does not need to be an oversize mount of an man. I've never heard of an undersized 1st baseman or heard anyone saying "he's too small to play center field". These are things you will never hear coming out of the mouths of Baseball fans. So when there is a drip of speculation of steroid use fans feel betrayed whether the allegations have merit or not. Now I'm not saying that Bonds was not an applicable culprit, but even if I think he used steroids, which i do, there is no hard evidence, at this point everything is based of a speculation. Sure there is the "Game of Shadows" book, and the Balco trials, but if Bonds was involved in anything at this point something would have happened by now.

As he nears the completion of his journey to overtake Baseball's most hallowed record. More and more debate on Bonds are taking place. To whether the Commissioner should be there or whether there should be any celebration even in San Fransisco, to whether or not baseball should even acknowledge the breaking of the record. My all-important take is this. Until Bonds has any charges brought against him by a court of law , or by MLB, give the man all of the pomp and circumstance that you would give to Ken Griffey Jr. and Alex Rodriguez , or any other baseball player that doesn't have the steroid cloud hanging over them. This should be a celebrated occasion not just in Baseball but all of sports and in America. Until we have substantial proof or a comprehensive confession from Bonds himself, he should be celebrated as the Home Run King that he will be.

Until next time, Don't aim for the stars, cause you just can't reach them!!!


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