Friday, July 20, 2007

I Don't Steal, I Just Borrow and Forget to Return.

Did you hear about this one? There is a story making the national media rounds about a rape case that isn't a rape case, let me explain. Pamir Safi is on trial for raping former Nebraska University student Tory Bowen. Bowen says that Safi raped her in her sleep. This first trial ended in a hung jury, the second one wel lthis is where things get weird . Judge Jeffre Cheuvront of Lancaster County District Court has barred Bowen and her lawyers from using the words "rape" and "sexual assault". Cheuvront fears that the defendant Safi will not get a fair trial if he is painted as of all thing, a rapist. This is a rape trial is it not? And Bowen herself had been threatened 30 days in jail for saying the words in her testimony against Safi Well due to all of the sudden media coverage judge Jeffre Cheuvront has called for a mistrial. Wow imagine that. I don't care if this takes four trials some kind of justice needs to happen. Either it needs to be proven that this man raped miss Bowen or not. it seems to me that Safi's Lawyers are making a strong case for themselves and their client after the first jury couldn't make up their minds, and with the Judge of the second trial not even believing this woman's accusations. I mean why else would he not want the defendant to be called a rapist if the judge truly believed he was innocent.
I don't know where to go with this one. When a woman cries rape you want to believe her. And especially in this case seeing as hard she is actively tying to get some justice for herself. I don't know which way to go, but to me when you're on trial for rape, whey not just used the term rape. Safi is/was not on trial for fondling or grouping this woman, he was on trial for allegedly raping her, so let's just call it what it is.

Atlanta Falcon quarterback Micheal Vick is in big, big trouble. Him and four others are accused of running an illegal dog fighting ring at one of Vick's home. Now from all reports these charges are coming from federal authorities after a lengthy investigation. Now I know its not the same thing but if the now infamous Duke Lacrosse case has told us anything, its don't be so quick to convict, or in this case don't be so quick to convict Vick. Now I'm not trying to say what he is being accused of is no biggie because he's being accused of doing some savage things. Not only dog fighting, but a electrocuting and hanging the losing dogs. This is some serious animal cruelty offenses and as reports have stated come with a sentence up to six years in prison. No what I'm saying until he is convicted of the crime, or at least when the more facts come out during the trial, lets give him the benefit of the doubt. So many times in this country we jump the gun as soon as charges are levied. Seeing how this justice system is not perfect, as many working in the Innocence Project will tell you, I'm going to wait till I come to my own conclusion of Vick's innocence or guilt.

Did you hear about this one? Coming to a Walmart near you its the Jesus action figure( its not a doll, because dolls are for girls). Now kids can finally live out their biggest fantasy battle and find out once and for all who would win, Jesus "Son of God" or Superman "Son of Jor-L". Wow I have to tell you if this isn't at the heights of Sac- religiousness than I don't know what is. But I guess its okay since its a Christian based company who's making the toys. I mean before Jesus fights Superman, he can say a Bible passage. And then the boy who's playing with the toy can say " But this time I'm going to turn your cheek". It seems between the mega Churches, television deals, and jazzed -up Gospel music ( not actually Jazz) , that being in the business of being Holy is a lucrative one. There's even a video game based upon the popular "Left Behind" book series. The book series about the Biblical Armageddon. Now aren't these the same group(s) who complain about violence in our culture especially in Video games? I guess its not violence if you're trying to defeat the Devil. Only 420 (that's one-sixth) Walmarts will carry these dolls. I guess their testing them out before they make the decision to expand to other stores. I wonder if their going to have a black or non-white Jesus, oh I mean a Biblical accurate Jesus, to be sold along with the long brown haired and blue-eyed one? If you have to think about that one then you're already a step behind the game.

Until next time, Never say never...Opps!!! I just said never twice!!!


At July 21, 2007 at 9:56 AM , Blogger Richard Gable said...

The phrase illegal dogfighting is redundant. All dogfighting is illegal in the US.


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