Monday, June 9, 2008

Partaaay Unity!!!

Okay by now we all now that Barack Obama has won the Democratic nomination, so now is the time for the Democrats to come together and put their candidate in the White House, right? Wrong, so wrong. At first I thought it was a huge exaggeration and it still might be as, a few does not represent the many, but today I spent some time on some Hillary Clinton message boards reading what the posters had to say about just about all things Hillary. I must say that even though she has suspended her campaign for the presidency and has endorsed Sen. Obama, there are still some Clinton supporters out there with illusionary thoughts. They range from people who think that Hillary will emerge from the summer convention the nominee to people who will vote for Se. john McCain, before they ever vote for Obama, to one who put forth a long thought out presentation of the possibility that Obama may just be the biblical Anit-Christ. Whoa, listen I don’t claim to be the smartest or the most politically savvy person alive, but some of these people are complete nuts. Why do would a Democrat, a die-hard supporter of Hillary Clinton , vote for a republican, John McCain who has a complete opposite view for the future of this country, than ”you” the Democrat. I just don’t get that.

A Democrat voting for John McCain because Hillary Clinton lost her bid for party nomination is like a Blackman being turned down by the NAACP for membership and then applying to the Ku Klux Klan. You see it just doesn’t make much sense does it. So what’s with all this talk about party unity, when it’s clear that some Clinton supporters don’t want to unite their party? Now not wanting to vote for the man because he’s experienced is legitimate, but then throw your support for a man in john McCain who the Democrats have already vilified, as representing the third term of President George W. Bush, the most villainous figure of modern America, if you are a full pledge Democrat and follow the Democratic talking points, if disgusting, and I’m sure because of Obama’s skin tone, some might even see it as racist. I’m sure that would be the motive for some of these Clintonites, I would also add sexist as well. Yes sexist. Well just think about, okay. Some of these Clinton supporters are furious over what they say is sexism against Hillary during her campaign run, and if you listened to the responses from her supporters after Obama clinched the nomination, many of the them were disappointed that there wouldn’t be a Female president, even claiming her bid was lost because of the sexist nature of this country. So someone could see her supporters not voting for Obama as a way to seek revenge, or as a way to present their own biases and prejudices. How else would you explain people voting for someone who they feel will continue to take the country in the wrong direction, and is the wrong choice for the country. My advice to disgruntled Clinton a supporter is to either stay home and don’t vote. Vote for another candidate or vote for Obama, but please don’t vote for John McCain. Why do I say this? Not because I think McCain would be bad for the country or he’s the devil himself, but because I don’t want to hear Democrats, Clinton Democrats bitching over the next 5 year about how President McCain is destroying this country, when you had the chance to “stop” him and you opted to vote for him instead.

Until next time... Remember when your candidate endorses another candidate, it ends for them, but it never ends for you!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tonight's the Night

Well reportedly tonight is the night that we finally find out who will be the Democratic Presidential candidate. With all of the primaries wrapping up tonight Barrack Obama will be closest he’s ever been to clinching the nomination (with the help of the super delegates) and his lead over Hillary Clinton will be insurmountable. So time is up for Hillary Clinton, either she ends it tonight, and she concedes to Sen. Obama, which new reports are saying that she will, or the Democratic Party ends it for her, with the majority of un -pledged super delegates flocking to Obama giving him the nomination. Now there are different possibilities that Clinton could pursue such as continuing on, suspending her campaign and resurrecting herself at the Democratic Convention and trying to make the claim that she has won the popular vote, (which is inconsequential) or she could destroy her party and run as an independent, which many of her supporters would absolutely love, as many of them have been very vocal about not voting for Obama in the General Election, a threat that is completely mindless if your goal is putting a Democrat in the White House. Neither of these options are good options if Mrs. Clinton cares about the Democratic Party or her view of how the country should be run.

If she tries to contest Obama’s appointment, then it will further split and tear apart the Democratic Party, as many voters share a sense of loyalty to both candidates. If she suns as an Independent then the same will happen, only it will make John McCain’s road to the White House a very clear one, while the democratic vote gets split. The best option for Clinton is to end her campaign. It’s what’s best for her party and as most Democrats would think, it would be best for the country. So to evoke a sports analogy, tonight marks the end of the regular season, now its time for the playoffs.

Until next time…..try not to concede your life.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Random Thoughts for the Month of May

If I go green, does that mean I have to dye my skin?

If someone says you have boyish good looks, does that mean they’re a pedophile?

Why watch the NFL draft after the second round?

I just saw the movie “Enchanted”. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

To counter “Enchanted”, I saw “Iron Man”.

If 40’s the new 30 then is 20 the new 10?

Does Karl Malone collect a Government pension?

If Big Foot exists, what would be his shoe size?

Does a formal I.D. include a bow tie?

When you fight cancer, can you call it Mortal Kombat?

Telling me that Sarah Jessica Parker is sexy is an insult to my intelligence.

Just how big was the release of Grand Theft Auto 4? So big I stood in line outside of Game Stop on the release night, and I wasn’t even buying the game.

Will the WNBA ever have a dunk contest?

Is Earth, Wind, and Fire Captain Planet’s favorite band?

Writing song lyrics are harder than I thought

Can you really kidnap adults?

Why go to graveyards to talk to the dead?

You down with O.C.D.? Yeah you know me

The Knicks have the 6th pick in the draft, obviously they can’t win them all.

If “Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls” leads to any more sequels, then the last one must be titled “Indiana Jones and the Mystery of Retirement”

Will the news anchors please stop saying “Pain at the Pump” when talking about gas prices. Yes prices are going up, but gas pumps are attacking me, or conspiring to do me harm.

If Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer then what’s the unofficial start of winter?

The Sex and the City movie opened yesterday. What’s next “The L-Word” movie?