Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tonight's the Night

Well reportedly tonight is the night that we finally find out who will be the Democratic Presidential candidate. With all of the primaries wrapping up tonight Barrack Obama will be closest he’s ever been to clinching the nomination (with the help of the super delegates) and his lead over Hillary Clinton will be insurmountable. So time is up for Hillary Clinton, either she ends it tonight, and she concedes to Sen. Obama, which new reports are saying that she will, or the Democratic Party ends it for her, with the majority of un -pledged super delegates flocking to Obama giving him the nomination. Now there are different possibilities that Clinton could pursue such as continuing on, suspending her campaign and resurrecting herself at the Democratic Convention and trying to make the claim that she has won the popular vote, (which is inconsequential) or she could destroy her party and run as an independent, which many of her supporters would absolutely love, as many of them have been very vocal about not voting for Obama in the General Election, a threat that is completely mindless if your goal is putting a Democrat in the White House. Neither of these options are good options if Mrs. Clinton cares about the Democratic Party or her view of how the country should be run.

If she tries to contest Obama’s appointment, then it will further split and tear apart the Democratic Party, as many voters share a sense of loyalty to both candidates. If she suns as an Independent then the same will happen, only it will make John McCain’s road to the White House a very clear one, while the democratic vote gets split. The best option for Clinton is to end her campaign. It’s what’s best for her party and as most Democrats would think, it would be best for the country. So to evoke a sports analogy, tonight marks the end of the regular season, now its time for the playoffs.

Until next time…..try not to concede your life.


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