Monday, September 1, 2008

Mama Sarah.

Okay I know I’ve been away for a long time and I did state in previous posts that I would update this blog more often, (like anyone reads this anyway) but I can say I have returned just the right time. The “VEEP STAKES” as CNN and Fox News liked to incorrectly call it, is over. Barrack Obama has picked Delaware Senator, Joseph Biden. A man with a wealth of foreign policy experience and overall experience , spending more than 35 years in the United States Senate. Biden, who can be a ‘hot head’ at times may not be the sexy pick, but it is a pick that could sure up Obama’s perceived lack of experience and fill the holes in his campaign. I didn’t see the Obama acceptance speech that brought democrats to tears (pussies) but as I still state that Senator Obama will probably get my vote, however I find it harder and harder to get behind the guy and support him. Yes am proud that he s the first black ( in America he is a black man, sorry interracial children) to be the Presidential candidate of a major political party. It is historic and inspiring, but as many people see Obama as some kind of a one man movement, or a god- like figure (yeah they’re nuts) he is just another politician. Besides some of the few issues that I disagree with Obama on, the one thing that I really can’t get passed is how he is a blatant flip-flopper. His position on the Iraq war has changed. First he had a deadline of 2010 to get the troops out and end military operations, then he said that he would listen to the generals on the ground, but he still had his plan and their job was to execute his plans, now within just a few months, his current stance is to listen to the generals on the ground and then take it from there based on his own plan and their advice. Then we can look on who he changed his stance on offshore drilling, to none at all to limited use if he thought it would be beneficial to the country. This change came only after many polls showed that the majority of Americans asked said that they support offshore drilling. Now don’t think that I’m beating up on Obama because I know a lot of you have Obama fever ( I actually heard a couple say that last night at a friend’s house and I cringed, I just don’t get how someone can get that much behind a political candidate.) John McCain is also a flip flopper, and speaking of McCain what about his choice for a running mate huh?

This week John McCain picked the Governor of the great state of Alaska. A woman (I can see those female democrats who were behind Hills going apeshit for this pick) Sarah Palin, who before becoming a Governor, was mayor of a town with just over 7,000 people than then moved into the executive position to govern a state with about 600,000 people. To put things into perspective the largest borough of New York City, Brooklyn has more people than Alaska, heck Barrack Obama’s home city of Chicago has a higher population than Alaska. Sure she was a Governor, but did I forget to mention that she’s a 44 year old, who’s not even two years into her first term? I’m not a Republican, but come on even I know that this is a stupid pick, when leaders in your own party don’t know much about their party’s presidential running mate. Let’s see Mitt Romney a well known, respected figure in the party, was probably the perfect pick for McCain. I’ve even heard reports, from NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, that McCain picked Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate, but you know the Republicans weren’t having that. Joe is an independent that is starting to lean towards the republicans on some issues, and have openly endorsed John McCain, but still at the heart of Joe he’s still a Democrat. Who knows maybe this pick will work to his advantage, but I think that people severely underrates the Vice President position, this is the person who is supposed to be ready to lead the country at anytime. I’m sure people think that Joe Biden is, but given her background it will be interesting to see if Republicans and the rest of undecided Americans who are planning on voting for one of these two candidates will honestly think that Sarah Palin is ready to be President of the United States of America
Until next time...Alaska sucks.


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