Wednesday, October 29, 2008

But wait there's more!!!

If you believe the polls then unless a big surprise is unearthed, Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States, in 6 days from now. Some people are terrified of this historic moment, some for racist reasons and others for ideological reasons. The there’s me. In a previous post I brought up how, even though I’m not a huge fan of the two-party system, after all I have no real party affiliation; a vote for the third party candidate is a wasted vote. I also said I would give, my explanation, well here it is. Right now in this country in this country, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, it is a certainty a candidate representing one of those two parties will be the next president of the United States of America. This is very true. So my line of thinking is that a vote for a candidate outside of the two major, controlling parties is a wasted vote, because when you casting your vote for Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader or who else, you’re not choosing the next president, you’re essentially bucking the system. Now that’s fine with me, people can vote for who ever they want to, but for me it just doesn’t make sense. Until there is an outside candidate that can run neck and neck with the Democratic and Republican candidates and has an realistic chance of winning then, and only then will I cast my vote for a non Republican or Democrat in the Presidential elections.

Now tonight Barack Obama has bought time on major networks, CBS, NBC, Fox,and a few cable stations. He has a half hour primetime block to present himself to the American public, starting at 8:00pm. Now I know the cool thing to do right now, especially among the young under 30 crowd is to love Barack Obama and support the guy in everything he does, but I can’t help but to have a disgusted feeling about this move. Unless you’re going to give John McCain his own 30 minutes in the near future ( the very near future, because the election is next week after all) then I don’t like it. I understand that Obama made the offer to the networks for the block of time and they accepted the offer, but I can’t help to think that the networks are playing favorites here. Unless they contacted the McCain camp and made him the same offer, than I can’t really see it any other way. I know this move is supposed to sway the undecided voter, but I think it might backfire. It won’t change my vote, but to me this reeks of arrogance. There is no need for him to do this. Its not like early in the election season when people didn’t really know much about the man, now with three national debates and tons of news coverage behind him, its hard not to know who Barack Obama is, and what he stands for. Like it or not he is the most famous person in the country right now, and I think this infomercial is over doing it in every sense of the term, and it may turn off some undecided voters. Although I’m sure its going to be a killer in the ratings, the real winner will be ABC and its show struggling “Pushing Daisies”. ABC was the lone major network who chose not to air Obama’s infomercial and with doing so has provided an alternative. Although I’m sure it won’t be a ratings hit, I’m sure some people who won’t be watching the infomercial for one reason or another may deem this a perfect time to tune in, as some of their favorite shows in the 8:00 P.M. timeslot won’t be airing. All I have to say is smart move ABC, smart move.
I might just record this infomercial, just to see if Billy Mays introduces Obama, or if at one point Barack says “Just set it and forget it”.

Until next time, try not to put lipstick on a pig, or a pit bull, or wolf, or a dragon, or a Griffin, or a Sphinx, or a Liger, or MacGuyver, or the Guyver, or Matlock, or Grimlock, or well you get it, just don’t put lipstick on it!!!


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