Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mr. President

Last night history was made; not only was the first black, but the first racial minority was elected President of the United States of America. This was not supposed to happen. Giving his race Barack Obama should not have won the Presidency. Given his name Barack Obama should not have won the Presidency. Given that he ran against the Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic Primaries Barack Obama should not have won the Presidency. Given that he ran against John McCain, Barrack Obama should not have won the Presidency of the United States of America, but he did. Barack Obama beat all of the chances against him and all of the walls that this country has put up in front of him. Barack Obama has talked about change, and at sometimes that change was ambiguous, but there was a change that happened on Nov. 4th 2008. The country said that we want to put our hideous racist past behind us. This country said that we can elect a person who 200 years ago would’ve been a slave in this country and would have most likely have been born as a result of rape. A person, who just 50-60 years ago could have been murdered, by racist and have his murders going free. A person who just 40 years ago could vote, but rights weren’t protected under the law. This country voted for a person who when this country was born, wasn’t even considered a human. The historic significance of last night is immeasurable, and the effects of it will resonate for decades to come. This shows not just black, children but all minority children that they can do anything. There has always been this serious joke running in the black community that there would never be a Black President and if he was elected he would be shot dead while taking the Oath of the Office, while I don’t think that will happen, it is a possibility. But even if it does happen America has already spoken, and its voice is loud. Barack Obama is a politician , a very shrewd politician, and he behaves like a politician, but when he was elected he became and trans-formative, transcended figure in America, because Barack Obama is the personification, the embodiment of the American dream. Barack Hussein Obama is the American dream.

Until next time, aren't you Asians and Latinos jealous? Suckas!!!!! J/K.