Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Can We Speed this Up Please? Please

So I’m watching Issues with Jane-Velez Mitchell, and its pretty funny that is the title of the show, because the only issue that they’re talking about it the ongoing Caylee Anthony murder case/investigation/trial whatever. She along with her television BFF Nancy Grace has been covering this case everyday for few weeks now, ever since the toddler’s body was found, but that’s not when the coverage started as many of you may know. So this had me thinking what is America’s fascination with, these big media murder/missing person stories. Then it came to me like one of those light bulb moments. We, the people loved to be entertained, and what is more entertaining than a murder mystery, where you feel like you have participation in the investigation. Just think about it for over a year, we’ve known this little girl was missing, we’ve all known for just as long that the mother, Casey Anthony was responsible, but we were just waiting for the police to confirm it for us. Chloroform in her the trunk of her car, the reported smell of a dead body coming from the same source? The public had this case solved, and thought that this should be a slam dunk, case closed; bring on the trial and conviction already. And that’s it isn’t? We want to feel like detectives hot on the trial, with all of these cable shows fueling us with information and coming this close to siding with us every step of the way. Now this isn’t just specific to the case of little Caylee, no there is a formula behind this, the right ingredients need to be mixed to bake up the right public interest.

1. Take one missing wife/child (can be a male child but never a husband). 2. Add an apparent Guilty as sin Husband/Father/Mother, who is also some how involved in the search, but seems sort of distant. This distance should be taking as guilt. And finally run shows, cable news segments everyday with “updates” and “expert” analysis giving away “Late-breaking” details. 4. Make sure that the show calls the segment(s) “The Search for….” every night until a month has passed, even after “experts” are brought in saying that missing people are usually presumed dead after 48 hours of being missing. But make sure that your host/anchor and “experts” bring up cases like Elizabeth Smart, where she was missing for 7 years and was finally found alive. What this does is give the viewer hope that this woman/child is still alive. 5. Tell your audience that the missing person is likely dead, and we should be expecting a body to turn up shortly, taking the audience’s interest away from hope, and turning it into anger.. So what does this process accomplish, it allows us to make our own assumptions about the case, along with our own trial and convictions. We feel like we’re part of the search for a live person, then we’re part of the search for the dead body and then we’re on board for the criminal investigation. That’s why we’re so captivated by the Calyee Anthony and the Natalie Holloway cases of the world. Now a question I have is why hasn’t there been the same amount of coverage given to Laura Garza? I guess she suffers from being an unmarried Mexican-American from Texas.

Until next time, find Laura’s body please.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mr. President

Last night history was made; not only was the first black, but the first racial minority was elected President of the United States of America. This was not supposed to happen. Giving his race Barack Obama should not have won the Presidency. Given his name Barack Obama should not have won the Presidency. Given that he ran against the Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic Primaries Barack Obama should not have won the Presidency. Given that he ran against John McCain, Barrack Obama should not have won the Presidency of the United States of America, but he did. Barack Obama beat all of the chances against him and all of the walls that this country has put up in front of him. Barack Obama has talked about change, and at sometimes that change was ambiguous, but there was a change that happened on Nov. 4th 2008. The country said that we want to put our hideous racist past behind us. This country said that we can elect a person who 200 years ago would’ve been a slave in this country and would have most likely have been born as a result of rape. A person, who just 50-60 years ago could have been murdered, by racist and have his murders going free. A person who just 40 years ago could vote, but rights weren’t protected under the law. This country voted for a person who when this country was born, wasn’t even considered a human. The historic significance of last night is immeasurable, and the effects of it will resonate for decades to come. This shows not just black, children but all minority children that they can do anything. There has always been this serious joke running in the black community that there would never be a Black President and if he was elected he would be shot dead while taking the Oath of the Office, while I don’t think that will happen, it is a possibility. But even if it does happen America has already spoken, and its voice is loud. Barack Obama is a politician , a very shrewd politician, and he behaves like a politician, but when he was elected he became and trans-formative, transcended figure in America, because Barack Obama is the personification, the embodiment of the American dream. Barack Hussein Obama is the American dream.

Until next time, aren't you Asians and Latinos jealous? Suckas!!!!! J/K.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

But wait there's more!!!

If you believe the polls then unless a big surprise is unearthed, Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States, in 6 days from now. Some people are terrified of this historic moment, some for racist reasons and others for ideological reasons. The there’s me. In a previous post I brought up how, even though I’m not a huge fan of the two-party system, after all I have no real party affiliation; a vote for the third party candidate is a wasted vote. I also said I would give, my explanation, well here it is. Right now in this country in this country, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, it is a certainty a candidate representing one of those two parties will be the next president of the United States of America. This is very true. So my line of thinking is that a vote for a candidate outside of the two major, controlling parties is a wasted vote, because when you casting your vote for Bob Barr, Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader or who else, you’re not choosing the next president, you’re essentially bucking the system. Now that’s fine with me, people can vote for who ever they want to, but for me it just doesn’t make sense. Until there is an outside candidate that can run neck and neck with the Democratic and Republican candidates and has an realistic chance of winning then, and only then will I cast my vote for a non Republican or Democrat in the Presidential elections.

Now tonight Barack Obama has bought time on major networks, CBS, NBC, Fox,and a few cable stations. He has a half hour primetime block to present himself to the American public, starting at 8:00pm. Now I know the cool thing to do right now, especially among the young under 30 crowd is to love Barack Obama and support the guy in everything he does, but I can’t help but to have a disgusted feeling about this move. Unless you’re going to give John McCain his own 30 minutes in the near future ( the very near future, because the election is next week after all) then I don’t like it. I understand that Obama made the offer to the networks for the block of time and they accepted the offer, but I can’t help to think that the networks are playing favorites here. Unless they contacted the McCain camp and made him the same offer, than I can’t really see it any other way. I know this move is supposed to sway the undecided voter, but I think it might backfire. It won’t change my vote, but to me this reeks of arrogance. There is no need for him to do this. Its not like early in the election season when people didn’t really know much about the man, now with three national debates and tons of news coverage behind him, its hard not to know who Barack Obama is, and what he stands for. Like it or not he is the most famous person in the country right now, and I think this infomercial is over doing it in every sense of the term, and it may turn off some undecided voters. Although I’m sure its going to be a killer in the ratings, the real winner will be ABC and its show struggling “Pushing Daisies”. ABC was the lone major network who chose not to air Obama’s infomercial and with doing so has provided an alternative. Although I’m sure it won’t be a ratings hit, I’m sure some people who won’t be watching the infomercial for one reason or another may deem this a perfect time to tune in, as some of their favorite shows in the 8:00 P.M. timeslot won’t be airing. All I have to say is smart move ABC, smart move.
I might just record this infomercial, just to see if Billy Mays introduces Obama, or if at one point Barack says “Just set it and forget it”.

Until next time, try not to put lipstick on a pig, or a pit bull, or wolf, or a dragon, or a Griffin, or a Sphinx, or a Liger, or MacGuyver, or the Guyver, or Matlock, or Grimlock, or well you get it, just don’t put lipstick on it!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

This Isn't Your Older Brother's News

This post was inspired by a brief viewing of a panel discussion on The New Media” I’m not really sure because I came in to the programming late, but it was a forum that tied into the Republican Convention, in some way because it took place in St. Paul Minnesota. The one exchange that I caught was MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson having a professional spat, with the founder of the Huffington Post Arianna Huffington in which they battled on man made debate of Global Warming, in which Huffington used to throw darts at the recently named Republican party running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, who does not believe in the man- made argument for Global Warming. Somewhere in discussion, Tucker who is by all accounts a conservative commentator was calling for a neutral voice in the political news media, as all of the major networks have partisan voices as their heavies, as we are sacrificing neutrality for ratings. At that moment I thought to myself, you know what( John), not only is he right, but this is something that I have brought up and thought about many times.

The current American news media, mostly found on cable is rampant with opinions. I have no problem with these opinion based, editorial shows because they do represent a large number of the population (You may hate O’Reilly, but the guy kills in the ratings) the problem that I have is when these commentators are touted as the top “newsmen” news organization. Shows from Keith Olbermann, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, and Chris Matthews, have become the flagship programming for the respective cable news channels. The problem here is that all of these guys have a serious slant towards the right or the left of political views, Matthews, once thought to be “hard to figure out” let the cat out of the bag, when he said on air, that a Barrack Obama speech gave him “Chills up his leg…”. I always thought that political coverage especially on a major news network was supposed to be neutral, but that’s not the case in the least. Even the self proclaimed “Mr. Independent” ole’ Lou Dobbs on CNN has noticeable slant. So the question must be raised why is there no premier neutral “commentator” on television, Tucker said it right, its about ratings.

If the guy who has the highest rated show on your network by far, speaks to and captures a certain partisan audience, then it would be bad marketing wisdom, not to make this person the star of your network. So thus, the left winged Keith Olbermann has become the face of the network, along with Bill O’Reilly, a frequent target of Olbermann, has become the face of Fox News. So now each network touts both of these guys along with a few other “stars” as the moist trusted news people in the business. Really? Trusted by who. Oh let me guess they’re base, am I right? So you have”journalist” who absorbs the talking points for their aligned party, and just regurgitates it out to the public every night for their audience, with no objectivity, and we are supposed to trust them? Really? Having Keith Olbermann, or Sean Hannity as the face(s) and the political news epicenter of your network, is like HBO claiming that Bill Maher is the political center of the channel….oh wait he is, but HBO isn’t a news network, but I’m sure you get my point.
So would a perceived neutral political commentator work in today’s climate? I guess the only way to find out is to try and see.

Until next time, try not to neutral.

Mama Sarah.

Okay I know I’ve been away for a long time and I did state in previous posts that I would update this blog more often, (like anyone reads this anyway) but I can say I have returned just the right time. The “VEEP STAKES” as CNN and Fox News liked to incorrectly call it, is over. Barrack Obama has picked Delaware Senator, Joseph Biden. A man with a wealth of foreign policy experience and overall experience , spending more than 35 years in the United States Senate. Biden, who can be a ‘hot head’ at times may not be the sexy pick, but it is a pick that could sure up Obama’s perceived lack of experience and fill the holes in his campaign. I didn’t see the Obama acceptance speech that brought democrats to tears (pussies) but as I still state that Senator Obama will probably get my vote, however I find it harder and harder to get behind the guy and support him. Yes am proud that he s the first black ( in America he is a black man, sorry interracial children) to be the Presidential candidate of a major political party. It is historic and inspiring, but as many people see Obama as some kind of a one man movement, or a god- like figure (yeah they’re nuts) he is just another politician. Besides some of the few issues that I disagree with Obama on, the one thing that I really can’t get passed is how he is a blatant flip-flopper. His position on the Iraq war has changed. First he had a deadline of 2010 to get the troops out and end military operations, then he said that he would listen to the generals on the ground, but he still had his plan and their job was to execute his plans, now within just a few months, his current stance is to listen to the generals on the ground and then take it from there based on his own plan and their advice. Then we can look on who he changed his stance on offshore drilling, to none at all to limited use if he thought it would be beneficial to the country. This change came only after many polls showed that the majority of Americans asked said that they support offshore drilling. Now don’t think that I’m beating up on Obama because I know a lot of you have Obama fever ( I actually heard a couple say that last night at a friend’s house and I cringed, I just don’t get how someone can get that much behind a political candidate.) John McCain is also a flip flopper, and speaking of McCain what about his choice for a running mate huh?

This week John McCain picked the Governor of the great state of Alaska. A woman (I can see those female democrats who were behind Hills going apeshit for this pick) Sarah Palin, who before becoming a Governor, was mayor of a town with just over 7,000 people than then moved into the executive position to govern a state with about 600,000 people. To put things into perspective the largest borough of New York City, Brooklyn has more people than Alaska, heck Barrack Obama’s home city of Chicago has a higher population than Alaska. Sure she was a Governor, but did I forget to mention that she’s a 44 year old, who’s not even two years into her first term? I’m not a Republican, but come on even I know that this is a stupid pick, when leaders in your own party don’t know much about their party’s presidential running mate. Let’s see Mitt Romney a well known, respected figure in the party, was probably the perfect pick for McCain. I’ve even heard reports, from NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, that McCain picked Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate, but you know the Republicans weren’t having that. Joe is an independent that is starting to lean towards the republicans on some issues, and have openly endorsed John McCain, but still at the heart of Joe he’s still a Democrat. Who knows maybe this pick will work to his advantage, but I think that people severely underrates the Vice President position, this is the person who is supposed to be ready to lead the country at anytime. I’m sure people think that Joe Biden is, but given her background it will be interesting to see if Republicans and the rest of undecided Americans who are planning on voting for one of these two candidates will honestly think that Sarah Palin is ready to be President of the United States of America
Until next time...Alaska sucks.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Random Thoughts for June

I know when I’ve gotten home too late when I can hear the birds chirping.

Bo Diddley died today. I guess one moment his heart was beating then the next it wasn’t doing didley.

Big Brown was a big disappointment.

$4 a gallon, really?

Tim Russert died today. Guess he was too ashamed to face the nation.

Why give Anderson Cooper his own show if he’s never actually on the show?

June 20th is supposed to be the happiest day of the year…I have a sore throat.

Why do we call dead people late? We already know that they’re not going to show up, because well, because they’re dead.

My Female Pop downloading is back in full force this summer…..no homo

Why is it okay for women to call themselves and each other girls, but its not okay for men to call themselves boys?

Why can’t you say bad things about the dead? If they were dicks while they’re alive then they’re still dicks after death.

My foots hurts.

Why call it writer’s block and not writer’s impasse?

What the hell is a moral compass, and if you know then tell me which way am I going

I’m not a bad person I just do bad things. Actually I don’t do bad things, I just think bad thoughts. Actually I don’t think bad thoughts, because I am pure like the driven snow. As by that I mean I am the chauffeur to the Canadian 90’s rapper Snow.

I saw the Incredible Hulk last week, and was green with envy.

I saw Hot Fuzz two nights ago with my parents. Funny movie, but it could’ve been funnier.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Partaaay Unity!!!

Okay by now we all now that Barack Obama has won the Democratic nomination, so now is the time for the Democrats to come together and put their candidate in the White House, right? Wrong, so wrong. At first I thought it was a huge exaggeration and it still might be as, a few does not represent the many, but today I spent some time on some Hillary Clinton message boards reading what the posters had to say about just about all things Hillary. I must say that even though she has suspended her campaign for the presidency and has endorsed Sen. Obama, there are still some Clinton supporters out there with illusionary thoughts. They range from people who think that Hillary will emerge from the summer convention the nominee to people who will vote for Se. john McCain, before they ever vote for Obama, to one who put forth a long thought out presentation of the possibility that Obama may just be the biblical Anit-Christ. Whoa, listen I don’t claim to be the smartest or the most politically savvy person alive, but some of these people are complete nuts. Why do would a Democrat, a die-hard supporter of Hillary Clinton , vote for a republican, John McCain who has a complete opposite view for the future of this country, than ”you” the Democrat. I just don’t get that.

A Democrat voting for John McCain because Hillary Clinton lost her bid for party nomination is like a Blackman being turned down by the NAACP for membership and then applying to the Ku Klux Klan. You see it just doesn’t make much sense does it. So what’s with all this talk about party unity, when it’s clear that some Clinton supporters don’t want to unite their party? Now not wanting to vote for the man because he’s experienced is legitimate, but then throw your support for a man in john McCain who the Democrats have already vilified, as representing the third term of President George W. Bush, the most villainous figure of modern America, if you are a full pledge Democrat and follow the Democratic talking points, if disgusting, and I’m sure because of Obama’s skin tone, some might even see it as racist. I’m sure that would be the motive for some of these Clintonites, I would also add sexist as well. Yes sexist. Well just think about, okay. Some of these Clinton supporters are furious over what they say is sexism against Hillary during her campaign run, and if you listened to the responses from her supporters after Obama clinched the nomination, many of the them were disappointed that there wouldn’t be a Female president, even claiming her bid was lost because of the sexist nature of this country. So someone could see her supporters not voting for Obama as a way to seek revenge, or as a way to present their own biases and prejudices. How else would you explain people voting for someone who they feel will continue to take the country in the wrong direction, and is the wrong choice for the country. My advice to disgruntled Clinton a supporter is to either stay home and don’t vote. Vote for another candidate or vote for Obama, but please don’t vote for John McCain. Why do I say this? Not because I think McCain would be bad for the country or he’s the devil himself, but because I don’t want to hear Democrats, Clinton Democrats bitching over the next 5 year about how President McCain is destroying this country, when you had the chance to “stop” him and you opted to vote for him instead.

Until next time... Remember when your candidate endorses another candidate, it ends for them, but it never ends for you!!!