Monday, June 18, 2007

Can You Speak it?

Last week California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger made a speech on immigration, inform of Latino journalist speaking to crowd or nearly 700. As you may or may not know this is the speech that landed him in "hot water" among Latino journalist. During his speech he said that Hispanic immigrants should turn off the television in regards to their Spanish language only stations in order to better learn English. ^This advice came from experience as he said, that was his method of learning the language. He cut all ties to his own native culture in terms of language until he learned how to speak English. Now this did not go well with the Hispanic media, as may cited his comments as being anti Spanish-monolingual propaganda.

Now I think that many of these Hispanic activist, community, and media leaders got this all wrong. It seems like Arnie is suffering from Bill Cosby syndrome, which is saying the right message but presenting it completely wrong. I do believe that the immigrants in this country should learn English. If you live in France, you have to learn French , and German in Germany etc. unless you're wealthy enough to hire your own personal interpreter you're pretty much stuck with learning the language of the country. But here in America things are a little bit different. There are two undebatable truths in this country. 1. There is no official language, and 2. English is the unofficial "official" language. No matter how you put forth an argument, English is the language of the land. Unless most Spanish speaking immigrants can live in certain areas such as various Chinatowns in this country, where you're so self contained that you don't need to learn English because odds are in you won't ever need to speak it, but the truth is there aren't many communities in this country for Hispanics, if there are any, because at this time I'm not aware of any. Now I did say that the Terminator was wrong also, and here's why.

Although you you should learn English is you are an immigrant from a non- English speaking country, you shouldn't be forced or told to give up your own culture, which includes television that has been designed to for you and others in your culture. Now I don't think that Jack Slater
meant that Hispanics should give up their own culture. I think that he pulled from his own personal experience and presented it as a why to help others, but it certainly wasn't perceived that way. Mr. Kimble has to watch what he says in his attempts to fix this immigration issue, and Hispanics living in his state of California. I don't think that John Matrix wants immigrants to give up their native language, and only speak English, besides he's a multi- lingual man himself. And isn't this what makes America so great? We have no official language written in stone, so we are legally able to speak any language we want and we do, but there is one language that towers over all others in this country, and no its not the language of love.

Until next time, turn off your TV and learn a language!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

D-Day for Daddy.

Today is Father's day. Hope all of you dads out there having a good time, and for you dead beat fathers, I hope you're having second thoughts. Well I'm sure former Durham County D.A. Mike Nifong isn't having a good Father's Day. After sobbing his eyes out yesterday in court, and resigning from his post as D.A. of of Durham County he was dealt a predictable fate, disbarment. You might remember him, wait who am I kidding unless you were in a coma for the past year , you know him as the lead prosecutor in the Duke Lacrosse rape case. You know the case where three, white kids form Duke University in Chapel Hill, North Carolina were accused of rapping a black female stripper.

Now this case caused some outrage in the South amongst the black community and even some activist came out condemning the players for their alleged actions. Even tough they maintained their innocence,m they were already tried and convicted in the most powerful court system of all, the court of public opinion. You would be hard pressed to find anyone who were sympathetic to battle that these kids faced. I mean come on we are talking about the South here, where injustice concerning black people is a deep rooted in history, and it didn't help these kids came form pretty well off families. But the tide started to change, at least legally, it did. The accused victim started to change and twist her story like she was twisting her body on a pole in a strip club ( Gentleman's club for those of us who want to feel better about ourselves). And new DNA evidence showed that none of the accused had actually raped the girl. But this new evidence was ignored by Mike Nifong as he continued to prosecute the case like it was business as usual. Mr. Nifong is now paying the price for his crookedness.

Now exonerated, there has been few to apologize for wanting these kids heads on a silver platter. Common, a rapper, has apologized. Last year he made a comment at a concert about this issue,and blasted the Lacrosse players for what they allegedly did to this black woman. Now faced with the truth, he issued a public apology to the Lacrosse players and Duke University as a whole. Now if a rapper can do this, then why can activist like Rev. Al Sharpton among others do the same. Maybe they feel they would be weakened by offering an apology to white men for falsely accusing them of rape. Certainly the leader of The New Black Panther Party, ( A party which is not supported by the Huey P. Newton Foundation) Malik Zulu Shabazz, would probably die before offering an apology to a white man, but in this case isn't it the right thing to do.

For those of us keeping tabs on news items besides Paris Hilton . In the Middle East, Gaza to be more precise, its Hamas V.S. Fattah in the land that surrounds Israel. Well lets hope that Hamas doesn't get much further, for peace is at stake here. Sure Fattah and Hamas might look alike on the surface, but Hamas puts more fueled by religion. And believe it, with more religious nuts in power, its going to harder to gain the illusionary idea of Middle Eastern peace.

Also gets this, a woman is missing but she's not white. I'm glad to see some mainstream national news outlets are picking up the story of Stepha Henry, the missing John Jay graduate, form New York. Two weeks ago Stepha went missing while on vacation in Miami. We all know the odds in this cases like these, its more likely that she'll turn up as a corpse, than as live human being, but I'm sure her family are holding on to the hope that she will be found alive. After all there have been cases where missing people have been found alive, so lets not take away their hope yet, because they are clinging on to that fact.

Well until next time, be lewd and crude to your fellow man and woman, and maybe, just maybe you might get a surprise!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Come and Get It.

President Bush is getting back from his whirlwind tour of the world, well maybe not whirlwind but it sounds good, and according to the press he has a "battle" on his hands trying to get this new immigration bill passed. This bill has been a hot topic for a while now, with both Republicans and Democrats disapproving of it. Wow just imagine this, something that Republicans and Democrats agree on. Well from what I’m reading most of the opposition is coming from the GOP as they see this bill as amnesty. I don’t know how paying a fine and being forced to go back to your country of origin for 7- 13 years to become a U.S. citizen is amnesty, but hey who am I? What I do know is that this bill is the best solution to the country’s immigration problem to come along in a long time, if ever. The truth is that we have and estimated 12 million Illegal Immigrants, not 12 million Mexicans, although I never see Chinese immigrants riding on lawnmowers, they just hide out in buffets. But the question is what we do. We can’t just make them all legal, with no fines because would be amnesty, and we can’t deport them because that would be unrealistic. So we’re left with more than 12 million illegal immigrants in our country, what to do, what to do. Those folks in Washington better get it together, either pass this bill or come up with something better. God forbid if some members from opposition parties cross party lines. I don’t care what happens just make something happen, and fix this problem.

And what’s up with this Cheese Heroin. I saw a story about this on Nightline a few weeks ago and today on CNN. Apparently it’s very cheap and its big in Big D, (that’s Dallas for you non football fans) amongst pre-teens and teenagers. I don’t know I think it’s funny. I know its heroin but its something that strikes the funny bone when kids with their faces cut off candidly talk about their addiction to cheese!!! I know this is a serious matter in Dallas but how can you not laugh when someone is addicted to cheese!!! Okay I’ll admit it my vice is Swiss. I can eat single slices all day long, but I never went into rehab for it. Can’t you see the hilarity of this situation? With all seriousness I hope these kids can kick this addiction.

Have you heard? A Judge from Washington DC is suing a local cleaner because of a pair of lost pants. Now I’m all for this. Given that it’s the cleaners responsibility for the well being of my clothing when I faithfully turn them over them, but this is were its gets ridiculous. The judge is suing for 54 million dollars. That’s 13 million less then the 67 million he was suing for. Again I’m all for suing the cleaners but come on, if this isn’t play for some self promotion then I don’t know what is. Dammit the cashier at Shop Rite didn’t give me the right change. I know instead of telling her that she short-changed me, I’m going to sue the Shop –Rite’s parent company for 55 million. Dammit that’s my change and its owed to me!!! You see how stupid this sounds? Judge get with it, and get over it, or should I say get over yourself. In the spirit or Stephen Colbert I have to wag my finger at Judge Roy Pearson. Shame on you!

And what is probably the most important news of the day, Don Herbert better known to us children of the 80’s and 70’s, 60’s and 50’s as Mr. Wizard, at the age of 89. In the age where Bill Nygh ( and no I don’t care if I misspelled it) and the guy from Beakman’s World (Paul Zaloom) are considered the favorite scientists for kids well in the early 90’s at least. Let’s give it up for the OG or the children’s scientific television game. All I can say is Mr. Wizard I can’t wait to hear you explain this one to me. Until next time don’t’ drink and drive, just drive and drink!!!


Welcome to "The Crowd Awaits". This won't be one of those personal blogs where I talk about my day and things of that nature. Instead with this blog I'll comment on different news items or other issues that catch my attention, and add my own personal twist on it. These issues can range politcs, sports, entertianment and everything in between. Till I post again, keep your heads on straight.