Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wait, There's More!!

Last night was a first. it was the first You Tube/CNN presidential debate. This one was for the Democrats. This debate pretty much ended up being what I expected it would be. There were some really good questions and a few not so important ones. And like with a lot of You Tube videos. You put a camera in front of some people and they think they're stars. The questions ranged from Health Care, to " Who was your favorite teacher" to Gun Control. One of the questions that I missed ( I watched the entire debate, except for a few seconds that to watch the Red Sox game.) or wasn't asked was that of Terrorism. Although we haven't had an attack since 2001, if any indications of what have been going on with our neighbors across the pond, an attack in the U.S. is a quite plausible idea. The problem with this debate was that it was truly not a Democratic debate, meaning this was not democracy at work. And honestly I don't think it will ever be. You see CNN if they are to continue this format will have to continue to screen the videos, not just because of importance, ( putting on the most serious videos, videos with serious issues being discussed) but also because of the time constraints. I believe the debate was two hours long, and CNN received over 3,000 videos, well it doesn't take a genius to understand that there is only an handful of entires that can actually make it on television.

So this is what I know about what I saw last night. Overall I think John Edwards won the debate, as I think his answers were a bit more complete and honest than others, and he actually made sense with the time he made. Hillary was okay, not spectacular. I think the question on whether she/other candidates would meet with the other world leaders in their first year of the being President, she excelled. She basically said that she would send others over first to open up talks and lay the ground work for an eventual Presidential meeting. Obama to me held his ow, can't really say much I don't think he really stood out. Joe Biden made his mark in the debate, and shut down one of my favorites Gov. Bill Richardson, who in my opinion really performed poor. And Mike Gravel, was Mike Gravel that is all that needs to be said. The Republican You Tube/ CNN debate is in September.

Now its time for a bit of entertainment news. it appears that Lindsy Lohan has been arrested by way of a D.U.I. and there are also some reports saying that she was found with cocaine in her pocket. Isn't this just Lovely more dumb people to take up space in the news. Maybe she'll go back to rehab after this, and maybe she'll go back to her usual behavior after she's done with the rehab. My take on Lohan and all lof these other young Hollywood crowd who's thinks that there are no consequences for their actions. Here is a solution it may be a radical one , but lets give them some consequences. To me acting in movies and being a star is a privilege not a right, so i think its time for these producers to say to these girls like Lohan. If you can't control yourself, we're not going to put you in our movie.There are other girls/young women who may not be as talented as Lohan, but don't draw negative attention to themselves. Girls like Amanda Bynes and Mandy Moore. I think that the non-tough love from Hollywood is actually enabling her. If there are no real consequence except going to a posh rehab facility how is she ever going to "get it" Maybe if Hollywood starts denying her roles and hurting her pocket maybe then she'll start to think " I need to stop" She's barely 21, has multiple stays in rehab, has been arrested for DUI, and she just keeps on going. Don't get me wrong I don't really care what Lindsey does in her career or her life, as I am not a fan, but tis a shame to watch young talent self destruct. From the entire young Hollywood crowd/ celebrities, she's the worst out of the bunch.and who knows with the way she's going, she might pass out one night and never wake up. What a shame and a waste of a life that would be.

Until next, Stomp your feet. Why? I don't know I just want to see you look like an asshole!!!!


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