Monday, April 28, 2008

Wright or Wrong

Okay as you can see after nearly two months after he became a household name Rev. Wright former pastor at Untied Trinity Church in Chicago, and presidential candidate Barrack Obama's former pastor, is still amongst the top stories. Now even though most polls conducted by cable news channels saying that the viewers are tired of hearing about the Reverend, and pundits and analyst alike questioning why they're still covering the man, the coverage continues. This guy is just going about his business, going to his speaking engagements, living his life, but the cameras still l follow, and the many in the media has audacity to ask, why are we won't this guy go away? Why? I 'm sure I'm not the only one who has the answer. its quite simple. Reverend Jeremiah Wright simply won't go away because you guys ( the media ) won't let him. Maybe its because they want to keep a known story alive to increase rating or maybe its because they don't want miss out, if he makes a comment that could be viewed as questionable.

This week the NYPD police officers who killed Sean Bell over the two years ago were acquitted of all charges last week. Now I guess everyone knows the case since it has become a national news story. In fact I’m from New Jersey, and I first heard of the case in while on vacation in Texas. The Judge in the case thought it was justifiable that the officers opened fire and released 50 gunshots for 12 seconds on a car full of unarmed men. The police officers maintained that they thought that one of the three men had a gun on them, even though there was no gun to be found. Even when the defense brought up the possibility of a fourth man, who had the gun, there was still no fourth man to be found. This all happened after 4 A.M at outside of a New York City strip club. Sean bell has his Bachelor’s party at the club and was just hours away from marrying the mother of his two children. So apparently there was an altercation in the club, and someone in Bell’s party was over heard by undercover cops saying “Yo get my gun” so that sprung some undercover cops into action and after the club was closed they followed the group into their car and tried to intercept them. The undercover cops, dressed in plain clothes, drew their weapons with or without showing their badges (depending on who you believe). The frighten people in the car tired franticly to get away even at one point backing the car up to hit the officers who they thought were just regular people trying to kill them. Shots were fired by the officers, with one ricocheting into a building lobby, shattering glass and almost hitting someone. In all of this, two of the three men were injured and Sean Bell was dead, with no return fire whatsoever. Over the span of 12 seconds three officers fired 50 unanswered shots. Now on to the trial, there was a feeling that there would be a guilty verdict in some sorts for these cops. Now it turns out that the cops were cleared of all charges. This cause outraged amongst people in but not limited to the Black community in New York City and basically everywhere else. Rev. Al Sharpton who has been with the Bell family ever since this shooting, still maintains that this is a racial situation even though two of the three cops were black, and I have to agree with him.

It’s not Black vs. White, but Black vs. Police. There is an extensive history in New York city for as long as I can remember with Black people getting shot, and often killed by police officers mistakenly and nothing happens to the officers. This gives the impression to the people that you can kill Blacks and get away with it if you’re a cop, and this week’s verdict added fuel to that fire. So in this since this is very much a racial issue, a deep racial issue in New York City and many other large cities across the country, where there the police and the black community have not been on good terms for a long time now. Most people aren’t outraged that these cops were acquitted of Man Slaughter, because I think that was the hardest to prove, since there had to malice shown, but that they were acquitted of reckless endangerment was the core of the anger and outrage. And that is what I call justifiable outrage.

This month’s Vanity Fair issue features teen queen superstar Miley Cyrus known to many as Hannah Montana. This has caused an outrage its own outrage as there are some very adult photos of the 15 year old mega star. One shows a nearly naked Cyrus covering her front side with a blanket. She has since apologized to her fans (they majority of whom are children younger that Miley). She claims that the photographer claimed that these photos would be viewed as artistic. Well, well isn’t that nice. Why is this always a case where there is controversy including art. Just look at the photo if you can. When a 25 year old poses for a picture of this she’s sexy. When a 15 year old girl does it and we have the same opinion is pedophilia. Know I’ve heard some excuses saying that that she’s exploring her sexuality its reflective of her aging fan base. Really I don’t car she’s 15 for god’s sake. If it was your daughter or little sister, I’m sure there would be no excuses being made, about her expressing her sexuality. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been mine. Now there have been some people saying that she’s was manipulated into those taking those kinds of photos. That’s partly true. She was manipulated, by the photographer and her own father, who also appeared in a questionable photo with her daughter. But I guess its okay to have a 15 year old taking part in a semi-pedophiliac photo shoot, as long as its in the name of art. Kind of like how comedians can say the most racist and offensive things, but since its said by a comedian , we should lighten up, besides it is comedy isn’t it?

In the last post I said that I was definitely going for Obama in the general election. Well I've thought about it and I think I should wait before I clearly make that claim, because alot can happen between now and November. Right now my stance is that unless McCain can sway me otherwise, I'll vote for Obama. I don't vote for third parties in Presidential elections because its a wasted vote. I'll explain my reasoning in a future post.

Until next time, try not to get shot by NYPD officers!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

One and Done.

Two years ago the NBA raised the minimum age of players who can compete in the league to 19, essentially eliminating players graduating from high school and jumping straight to the NBA. Now I was 100% behind the move, because I thought that college could help out these kids’ game. When you’re in High School you’re a big fish in the small pond, meaning that you could be a huge break out star in High school, but odds are you’re never going to play against guys who are on the same level as you, in college however, there tons of big fish in a much larger pond, namely the national stage. Larry Bird and Erving “Magic” Johnson started their famous feud that extended into the NBA in college. That would not have happened in if they both jumped to the NBA it would’ve probably have taken them some time to adjust to the NBA game. Now of course there are cases of where people really don’t need college to improve their game. Players like Kevin Garnett, Lebron James and Kobe Bryant really didn’t need college in terms of improving their game. But for every high school success story there are guys like Kwame Brown, Darius Miles who are currently only in the league based off of their ever dwindling untapped potential excuse and there are tons of guys whore are in the D-League or just aren’t in the league at all. I’ve heard many times over that the average NBA career only last 3-5 years. Now you may say wait what about guys like Kobe or Ray Allen who have had lengthy careers thus far? Yes that’s true but have you noticed the third string point guard on your favorite team two years ago isn’t playing anymore. Just think about it.Now with the age limit being raised there is a new trend that seems to be starting this year.

Freshmen superstars such as Michael Beasley, Derrick Rose, OJ Mayo, Jarred Bayless, are entering the NBA draft, and today Kevin Love, another freshman is going to hold a press conference on his future, So this raises the question if these kids are only in college just because they have to be. Kevin Durant and Greg Oden, both huge High School prospects declared for the draft after their freshman year last year, and we have even more players doing so. I’m conflicted on this topic. I do think that these kids should get their education while their in college. Now there are players who complete their degree while in the NBA most notable Vince Carter, and Shaquile O’Neal, but I can only guess that most players don’t follow in the footsteps of these superstars. But on the other hand, you have to understand that there is big money in men’s professional sports and you have to strike when you’re value is its highest. A lot could happen during your freshman year to your senior year. You could be the best player in college one year, and all it takes is one freak accident and you’re done. So I really can’t blame these kids for coming out early. A player like Candace Parker( the top pick in the WNBA draft) can afford to play her all full years at Tennessee because there really isn’t much temptation ( money wise) in the WNBA to come out early, but for the top projected pick in a male sport like the NBA, means you become an instant millionaire once your contract is worked out, and that would be hard for any 19 year old to pass up. The NBA is now considering to raise the age limit with would essentially require two years of college before going to NBA. This would certainly help the NCAA as they would be able to market star players for a longer time, but this would unfair to the players. I’m all for the current rule, which I believe should remain permanent.

Until next time……..I’m declaring myself eligible for the NBA draft. I can’t play very well, but I’m sure I can make more babies than Larry Johnson.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Uh Oh!!! You just said the E- word.

Okay I know it seems like just about all of recent posts have been about Barack Obama and this one is no different. Now don't get me wrong I'm and not a an Obama supporter. I have not donated to his campaign. I have not made any effort to see him speak. Nor will I campaign and try to get the "vote out" for him. Now after saying all of that I have made it perfectly clear that I will mostly vote for the senator in the general election ( barring any massive turn of event) and not for the immortal John McCain ( well he almost has to become an immortal dictator if he's going to keep troops in Iraq for 100 years like the Dems keep saying he will). Now on to the task at hand, i told a half truth ( maybe politics are in my future) this is not exactly an Obama post more like the issue of elitism and our leaders.

We have all heard of the comments made by Barack Obama about the bitter working class in Pennsylvanian small towns and other small towns across the country who cling to guns and religion due to the lost of jobs in their area. Now of course this is news or at least it was news to me when the story broke on Friday afternoon( April 11th) and its still in the news just as strong as it was when it broke. Obama has explained his comment pretty much to satisfaction to me, saying that in hard times people cling to what they have left like religion and traditions like hunting etc. And that they do convey anti- immigration sentiments due to seeing illegals and non - illegals alike getting jobs while they're still out of work. To me and according to just about every poll about this story agrees that the three days of explanations were enough, well not seemingly enough because this story is still in the news. Now we can blame guys like Sean Hannity and Bill O' Reilly and CNN for keeping this in the news, but the real culprit is actually Hilliary Clinton. You see she is without a doubt a news maker, so when she repeatedly day after day calls Obama an elitist the news media talks about. When she creates a campaign video, getting the thoughts of "real" Pennsylvanians on Obama's comments, the news media talks about. Thus keeping a story which has been explained many times over in the press. So we are left with days of questions and answers from political analyst and pundits from both sides of the isle and from both sides of the current democratic race asking if Barack Obama is an elitist. Well I'll answer the question of course he is.

I call Barack Obama an elitist the same way I would call John McCain or Hilliary Clinton, John Edwards, Mitt Romney and anyone else who runs for president and think they have a real shot at winning the office. These people are Millionaires!!! Now they might be able to relate to the common, regular folk, but they live a much more comforting care free life than any of us will ever lead. Now sure Obama is just few years removed from him and wife paying off their student loans, but do you honestly think that Obama has any problem paying his Mortgage of paying his car insurance. I'm sure he's not sweating about how he's going to send his two daughters to college. I mean is this man not elite? He graduated from Harvard law School for god's sake. Come to think of it I can't think of one serious candidate that didn't have an ivy league education. Hell even the President who people sometimes portray as a backwoods idiot, is a Yale graduate, an admitted C student, but a graduate nonetheless. Now before you start thinking about starting some sort of people's revolution, the background of our leaders is actually a good thing. Don't we want the smartest people running our country. Don't we want the educational elite at the helm. For a country so enamored with education we are sometimes are so quick to turn against the educational elite. Maybe its because they're the ones who are always in government, making the laws for us all. Maybe its because they're ones who continuously talks about the class divide in this country when they are the ones who are sitting on top. I don't know, but for rich people to argue with each other over who's an elitist and who's not an elitist is like a serial killer and terrorist trying to make a case to each other about how they're not murderers. In closing all you rich and wealthy who don't want to embrace the term elitist, just go ahead and do it, because it doesn't whether you were born into wealth or worked your way up, being an elitist only means that you made it.

Till next time, remember 100 million dollars is just 100 million reasons to love yourself!!!!