Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Uh Oh!!! You just said the E- word.

Okay I know it seems like just about all of recent posts have been about Barack Obama and this one is no different. Now don't get me wrong I'm and not a an Obama supporter. I have not donated to his campaign. I have not made any effort to see him speak. Nor will I campaign and try to get the "vote out" for him. Now after saying all of that I have made it perfectly clear that I will mostly vote for the senator in the general election ( barring any massive turn of event) and not for the immortal John McCain ( well he almost has to become an immortal dictator if he's going to keep troops in Iraq for 100 years like the Dems keep saying he will). Now on to the task at hand, i told a half truth ( maybe politics are in my future) this is not exactly an Obama post more like the issue of elitism and our leaders.

We have all heard of the comments made by Barack Obama about the bitter working class in Pennsylvanian small towns and other small towns across the country who cling to guns and religion due to the lost of jobs in their area. Now of course this is news or at least it was news to me when the story broke on Friday afternoon( April 11th) and its still in the news just as strong as it was when it broke. Obama has explained his comment pretty much to satisfaction to me, saying that in hard times people cling to what they have left like religion and traditions like hunting etc. And that they do convey anti- immigration sentiments due to seeing illegals and non - illegals alike getting jobs while they're still out of work. To me and according to just about every poll about this story agrees that the three days of explanations were enough, well not seemingly enough because this story is still in the news. Now we can blame guys like Sean Hannity and Bill O' Reilly and CNN for keeping this in the news, but the real culprit is actually Hilliary Clinton. You see she is without a doubt a news maker, so when she repeatedly day after day calls Obama an elitist the news media talks about. When she creates a campaign video, getting the thoughts of "real" Pennsylvanians on Obama's comments, the news media talks about. Thus keeping a story which has been explained many times over in the press. So we are left with days of questions and answers from political analyst and pundits from both sides of the isle and from both sides of the current democratic race asking if Barack Obama is an elitist. Well I'll answer the question of course he is.

I call Barack Obama an elitist the same way I would call John McCain or Hilliary Clinton, John Edwards, Mitt Romney and anyone else who runs for president and think they have a real shot at winning the office. These people are Millionaires!!! Now they might be able to relate to the common, regular folk, but they live a much more comforting care free life than any of us will ever lead. Now sure Obama is just few years removed from him and wife paying off their student loans, but do you honestly think that Obama has any problem paying his Mortgage of paying his car insurance. I'm sure he's not sweating about how he's going to send his two daughters to college. I mean is this man not elite? He graduated from Harvard law School for god's sake. Come to think of it I can't think of one serious candidate that didn't have an ivy league education. Hell even the President who people sometimes portray as a backwoods idiot, is a Yale graduate, an admitted C student, but a graduate nonetheless. Now before you start thinking about starting some sort of people's revolution, the background of our leaders is actually a good thing. Don't we want the smartest people running our country. Don't we want the educational elite at the helm. For a country so enamored with education we are sometimes are so quick to turn against the educational elite. Maybe its because they're the ones who are always in government, making the laws for us all. Maybe its because they're ones who continuously talks about the class divide in this country when they are the ones who are sitting on top. I don't know, but for rich people to argue with each other over who's an elitist and who's not an elitist is like a serial killer and terrorist trying to make a case to each other about how they're not murderers. In closing all you rich and wealthy who don't want to embrace the term elitist, just go ahead and do it, because it doesn't whether you were born into wealth or worked your way up, being an elitist only means that you made it.

Till next time, remember 100 million dollars is just 100 million reasons to love yourself!!!!


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