Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Its in the Bible???

The recent news has been circulating around Barack Obama and his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright has said some very inflammatory remarks about the United States of America. Such as "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost." And he also made a remark about how Hillary Clinton has never been called a nigger, and has never had a cab pass her because of her color or has been pulled over by police because of her color, and how Obama knows what it is to live in a country and culture controlled by rich white people. He also said that Hillary said that has never had her own “people” say she wasn’t white enough. He also said said God bless America, no, God damn America for killing innocent people. And probably the most infamous comment, Jeremiah Wright said that the United States government created the HIV/AIDS virus to kill black people. Now Sen. Barack Obama has denounced his pastor’s comments during many cable news programs and during a speech on “Race in America “.

Now this may be an unpopular opinion, but although I may disagree with the words that were used I really don’t find anything racist or un-American with the pastor’s words. We did bomb those Japanese cities during WWII. The regret of this action is held by many veterans and people who have lived through that war. And no matter how look at the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, we ( the U.S) supports Israel with terrorism going taking place on both sides of the conflict. And the U.S. who may have not publicly supported the Apartheid in South Africa, we world’s super power, often calling ourselves the police of the world, really did nothing to stop it. Now I’m not a person that believes in karma, so I don’t think that’s the reason of why we were attacked on 9-11. But the reverend’s words as far as I see are no different than people (politicians and many political figures) saying that we were attacked on 9-11 because of our foreign policy in the Middle East, basically saying that if we weren’t over there then we wouldn’t have been attacked. Now I can agree with that too a point, but you can’t deny the fact that radical Islam just hates us. And it’s not just us, but other countries and most frankly everyone else that doesn’t agree with their religious ideology. But these comments made by pastor Wright aren’t un-American, they’re just in essence speaking the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts. Now some people also cal his comment racist but lets look further.

Hilary Clinton has probably never been called a nigger in her life. She has never been intentionally passed over for a cab ride just due to her skin color, and has never been racially profiled by police officers. Now I’m not saying that these things have happened to Barack Obama, but because of his skin color they are more likely to happen to him first then her, that’s just the truth. And the comments about rich white people controlling America, I don’t see what the uproar is? Its been long said by people of all colors ( even white people, gasp!!!) that corporations control America. And the very, very, utmost top of those corporations, you’ll find to no surprise, rich white people. Again its not racist, its just the truth. Rev. Wright also said the government created AIDS to kill black people. Now I’m not of those conspiracy theorist who believes that my government is sinister, or sinister enough to create the AIDS virus and spread it to its people, but this is a belief that is held by conspiracy theorist of all colors, including gasp!!! ( again) ,White people. Now is it really anyone’s surprise that a black man the Reverend’s age (67) could conceive or even come to believe this idea. I mean if we do some history digging we would find something called the Tuskegee experiment/study. If you don’t know about look it up and be shocked and amazed. So although I think those comments were wrong and out of line, I could see his reasoning for the comments.

Ultimately, I look around the media and I look around at my friends and I see that most of the people who are outraged by this are white people. Not to say that there are blacks that finds some of his comments horrible, but a lot of times it’s almost, like they have to say what’s they’re supposed to say. I see the media jumping on his the reverend and Obama, but that same media never spent the same amount of time on Pat Roberson or John Hagee who endorsements were accepted by Rudy Gulianni and John McCain. Both mean have said that 9-11 and hurricane Katrina were punishments from God, but they no mention of them when their endorsements were accepted? Now I’m just the two candidates didn’t know these preachers for 20 years, which is the span of Obama’s and Wright’s relationship, but are the words any less “inflammatory”? To wrap this up, for anyone who is shocked by the reverend’s comments don’t be. Reverend Jeremiah Wright is what America has created. For anyone who had to experience the segregation in this country, being seen inferior, because of your race. Reverend Wright is a child and a product of the 60’s. And it seems that some of that anger is still with him. Now I’m not saying that people should excuse his comments, because I’m not in the business of telling people how they should feel, but history of this country has had a direct influence on Revered Jeremiah Wright. To sum it up, anyone who thinks that America is/has always been the land of purity, and free of injustice, is pretty much a out of touch with reality.

Till next time, try to find where it says God damn America in the Bible!!!!


At March 24, 2008 at 5:18 PM , Blogger Richard Gable said...

I agree. I don't understand why it is such a big deal with this pastor. I'm sure that there are preachers who say worse than this guy.
Obama has distanced himself from this guy and said that he didn't know that he said this or whatever, so I don't understand why they don't get off his back.


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