Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The King is Here

Last night I watched sports history as Barry Bonds surpassed Henry Arron to become Major League Baseball's all-time home run hitter, hitting his 756th home run. I have posted my feelings on this before in a prior blog. To sum it up, I just feel that until there is any actual legal action, or action taken by MLB taken against Bonds leave the man alone and let him have his moment and career. Did the man take steroids, my gut says yes but can it be proven with certainty? No. So to me its seems silly for people to talk about putting an asterix next to his name regarding the home run record or trying to discount the man's legacy. This whole talk of the "Steroids Era" in baseball is getting repetitive and annoying. Sure people were talking steroids and performing enhancing drugs during the 80's and 90's but they weren't illegal at during those day, well at least not in Baseball as there were no internal laws against using them. The game(s) changes with the culture, that's something that can't be debated. Are we know going to investigate players like Roger Clemens, Ken Griffy Jr., or Tony Gywnn because well they all played during the "Steroids Era" and all have stellar careers in Baseball. Steroids , may give you extra power, but it can't make you a better player. All I have to say look out A-Rod cause you're up next in more ways than one.

Another story that have been making the rounds lately is the article written by Dionne Walker named " Could Mr. Right be White". The articles discuss the interracial relationships between Black women and White men, dating and marriage. One of the features in the article is that of Toinetta Jones, a 37 year old Black woman, who has grown tired of waiting for the perfect Black man to come into her life, as she's now going for anything she can get. The articles also goes onto to highlight the relationships of Venus Williams and Shar Jackson, as well as Star chef Wolfgang Puck, who took an Ethiopian wife. The article also boast that there are 117,000 black wife-white husband couples in America. But this isn't new. I mean what does guys like David Bowie, and Robert DeNiro have in common? Bingo both are married to Black women. And so are many famous white male celebrities, actors musicians etc. So this article is kinda late on the this news. In the article blogger Evia Moore, who has her own personal blog about her own interracial marriage says that this "phenomenon" is happening because in a nut shell, most women meet their husbands in college and well there just aren't enough Black men in college. Now the article itself isn't that bad even though rates for black men in college are rising. The article merely goes into describing a growing trend this country. Pretty harmless, as a stand alone story. But the media outlets have been picking this story up and on cable news shows and morning programs, it seems like they have turned this into an assault on Black men. The other day I was watching "The Mike and Julliette Morning Show" (How is this shit still on is mind boggling) They had on the current or former Miss America ( I don't really care), who is a Black women. She came on with her husband, a White man who is an Advertising executive. She goes on about her testimonial about how she could never meet the right black man, and she then in college around her Junior year she started dating her husband, they feel in love, and the rest is history. Again no big deal. That's when the snake-like tactics of the media comes in. Mike the host, kept pushing the fact that she had no luck with Black men, even with a relationship expert, a black man , tried to defend black men, he just kept up pushing negative stats about black males, the prison rates, the low college rates. It was like he was trying to shoot down almost everything positive this guy was saying. Now let me clear something up. I have no problem with Black women/White men couples and vice versa. Hell with out that my own sister wouldn't have been born. But what I do have a problem with is the intention to put down black men, with the old I can't find any good black man" routine. People are free to fall in love with and marry anyone they want to no matter of the "Race".That's clear. But the black man in me has to wonder if we will ever see an article written by a White woman discussing the White woman/Black man relationships in this country and around the world, with white women telling stories about how they can't find a suitable White man. I think most of us already know the answer, and the ones that don't can be contributed to naivety.

Well that's all for now, until next time......Hit Home Runs and Love without Colors!!!!


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