Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Game Over

This week Micheal Vick after a month or so of maintaining innocence, plead guilty to the charges levied against him the now infamous dog fighting case. Now as some people might contest that taking the plea is not a admission of guilt, that discussion is a rather mute point right now. As all of his co-defendants were looking after themselves, getting everything in place to turn incriminating information over to the Feds in hopes of a lighter sentence, Vick was seeing his loyalties and his plush life go down the drain. With these turn of events taking place its hard for anyone including me to contest the guilt of Micheal Vick, and with him changing his plea to guilty, his guilt should be undeniable.

This case has brought up some racial tensions in Atlanta, as some there is a historical justified notion that is shared by some in the Black community that a Black man cannot get a fair trial in the south, especially one that is a celebrity. Its a shame that there are still people who share that sentiment in the year 2007 ( insert any year into this cliche') but I guess this is the burden that America must bear for its past. But at this point I think black people must look beyond the fairness that may or haven't been given to Micheal Vick, the man is guilty plain and simple.

Another community that have been drawn into this scandal have been animal lovers, more importantly dog lovers. Not to encompass all dog lovers but some of them are just wackos. Some people calling for a death sentence for Vick. I fully understand some being passionate about protecting animals, as us humans are the ultimate predators on this planet, but some of these people put animal life, in this case dogs on the same regard as human life, which is truly sick. And yes I'm talking about those PETA assholes ,who attack people wearing fur coats, with non life threatening materials. I think that's the only way these guys don't get locked up or get his some serious assault charges. I would love to flaunt a pure mink coat just so I can beat the shit out of some of these people, but that's another story. Yes those the same PETA that caught serious flack for comparing animal abuse on farms to slavery specifically, American slavery. These were the same guys who were on the front lines outside of the court house calling for the death of Micheal Vick, honestly come on. Even last night a friend of mine made a unintentional racist comment ( which he does often) and said that Vick should be hung from a tree. After backlash from the comment he changed his punishment to firing squad. But still the punishment of a human being being put to death for killing or abusing a dog(s) is very absurd and I would like to question the sanity of anyone who does make these kinds of comments.

I guess after all that has gone down the only thing to say is game over.

Until next time try not to drown any dogs!!!!


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