Sunday, January 27, 2008

Oh Carolina

Well its a long time since my last entry, so lets jump right into it. Last night Barack Obama won the South Carolina primary as expected. So right now in terms of wins its two a piece for Clinton and Obama, and nothing for Mr. I have no shot at this point, but I'm going to stay in the race because I can dammit, John Edwards. Don't get me wrong I like Edwards he's my favorite candidate out of the whole lot, but right now coming now he's pretty much done, so please John do yourself a favor and dropout, because there will be no magical comeback for you, its just not in the cards for you. No back to South Carolina. Of course Obama won there big over Hilliary Clinton because of the white vote but I don't think that's the only reason to why he won. So much is made out the Black vote when it comes to Obama, but this is the same guy who won the Iowa Caucus and loss close primaries in New Hampshire and Nevada. Now Iowa and New Hampshire aren't really hotbeds for African Americans, so there have to be some white people voting for him right? He's not just the "Black candidate" that Bill Clinton is trying to paint him out to be. Oh what you didn't hear about it. Well its only fitting the mad dubbed the "First Black Presidents" injects race into this race. Billy while giving his wife's reaction speech to the results in South Carolina ( Hey wait, who's running for President now, him or her?) he commented on Obama's win by saying that Jessie Jackson also won South Carolina. Yes he did Bill but four years ago so did John Edwards, so why not bring up his name instead...hmmm it really makes you wonder what kind of statement Clinton was trying to make.

Also the other big news of the week is the death of actor heath Ledger. Now I don't know if he committed suicide or not, but it takes a lot of sleeping pills to die on accident. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but it sound pretty fishy to me, and what about the masseuse who called Mary- Kate Olsen when he was reportedly still alive instead of calling 911, to me she just may have well let him die. So I don't know if his death was a suicide but if it was then Mr. Ledger is nothing more than a coward. A coward who didn't care enough for his two year old daughter to stay alive to raise her. I don't know maybe I'm old fashion, but when you have a child aren't you supposed to change your life because you're not just living for yourself, but for the well being of another person as well? I don't know maybe the world has changed and it has passed me by, or maybe people like Heath Ledger ( allegedly ) don't care care enough about their world to stay around and help shape it.

Till next time..... try to get some shut eye!!!!!


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