Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bang, Bang Borders.

Its been two weeks since the Newark, NJ shooting murders made national headlines. Now that all of the suspects have been caught new details are being brought to light. It now appears that one of the suspects, Rodolfo Godinez may be a MS-13 gang member or even a leader, and may have ordered the murders. Move over Bloods there's a new gang in town! Its a real mess in Newark these days. It seems like no matter how much they try to clean up that city, nothing much changes. Another dimension to this story is that one of the suspects Jose Lachira Carranza, is an illegal immigrant from Peru. Now the talking heads in the media are starting to change this into an illegal immigration debate. Now I'm not one of those people who has a lax stance on illegal immigration. I think that in most cases if you're here illegally then you should be deported. But to add the component of illegal immigration to the case is beyond stupid.

Does it matter if one of the suspect was an illegal immigrant? From what I know about the MS-13 gang, I know that there's are a Latino gang which are big throughout South America and out west in the United States, and here in America there are a lot of illegal immigrant in the gang. But it appears that Carranza is the only one of the suspects who is living the country illegally. So it would be a logical assumption, at least to me, that if it wasn't Carranza involved in the shootings then there would have been someone else, perhaps someone who is not an illegal immigrant. But of course not everyone share this kind of logic. I guess its not sensational enough to think that way, or should I say present that way of thinking to the masses.

Until next time watch out for I.C.E.!!!!


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