Wednesday, August 29, 2007

There's a Strong Wind Blowing

We are on the verge of the 2nd anniversary or Hurricane Katrina, the largest natural disaster in United Sates history. Yes as I am typing this entry there is indeed a strong wind blowing but it's not a hurricane but rather ever growing discontent with the residents or in some cases former residents of parts of New Orleans. After two years there are still neighborhoods that have yet to be or have begun to be rebuilt. There are still displaced people living in FEMA trailers, trailers inhabited by entire families, trailers that aren't meant for long-term residency. I'm no Anderson Cooper but I have seen these trailers with my own eyes in person, and its not a pretty site. I've seen the abandoned houses with numbers written on them, numbers representing how many people died in the house during the flood. Yes I've seen it all. Well maybe not all, but you get my drift.

The most frequently asked question about Katrina is what is taking the rebuilding process so long. There's certainly money that is in place for rebuilding but it seems that most of it is not being used. I guess its just politics as usual. While local government officials play political games allocation, there are real people that are still displaced. Many of them in the now infamous 9th ward, the poorest section of New Orleans. I'm sure thee will be more news on this story during the week.

Also today Richard Jewell is dead at age 42. You know Richard Jewell, think hard...okay I'll tell you. He was the security guard who was thought to have plotting a bomb during 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics. I don't know many details, but there is no foul play suspected in his death.

Until next time try not get caught in a hurricane.


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