Monday, September 10, 2007

Where is She?

The parents of Madeline McCann, a 4 year old British girl who went missing in Portugal , have been officially named as suspects in the case surrounding her disappearance. This story over recent months have become a big story in this country. What country you ask, well the good ole' United States of America. I know you must be thinking the same thing I've been thing...why!?! Here's a story of a child that goes missing on vacation in a foreign country, she's been missing for months, she may be dead. Many British celebrities, including David Beckham among other mega stars even compiled an ad campaign to raise the profile of her case, sort of like star-studded have you seen me card, only in video form. I know this is a very tragic story, but here is my gripe, hear me out.

This is America, sure I feel sad about the situation, but damn she's not an American so why are we ( the U.S. Media) giving this story so much coverage. I can see little Madeline was an American girl who went missing in Portugal, but she wasn't. I know this might be harsh, but until this girl turns up alive or dead, or there are official murder charges brought against some one, I don't want to hear about it!!! There are thousands of missing Americans who are available for the media lottery to have their case turned into the next great, captivating news story. I mean dammit! isn't there a little white girl from Florida, or Tennessee who's missing that we all can watch CNN and hold out hope that she returns to her family. I mean damn Nancy Grace needs a fresh stony that she can spend 4 months on. Speaking of Nancy Grace, who did she had to blackmail to marry her and knocked her up. Maybe there should be a "Knocked-Up 2" where a guy who gets Nancy Grace pregnant and then goes " Now What!!!". Wrapping this topic I'll just this, go out try to do with a camera crew and try to find some missing Americans.

Did you see Brittney Spears on the MTV Music Video Awards, well I didn't. I was watching the Dallas Cowboys play the New York Giants only on NBC. I saw a few clips of her performance on a few different shows and all I have to say is...DAMN!! What happened!! She just seemed like she wasn't prepared to perform, it was embarrassing, well for her, for me it was quite comical.

If you look at the date of this entry you'll notice that it's the eve of the 6th anniversary of the 9-11 World Trade Center terrorist attack. Yes its been 6 years since the attacks in NYC. I guess it sort of like what your some of your parents and grandparents talk about when they heard the news of the JFK or Martin Luther King assassinations. I still remember clearly when I first heard the news that there were planes flown into the Twin Towers. It took me awhile after I got home from school, after watching footage of the attacks for everything to set in and understand/accept what happened. Well for those of you that don't remember, you're in luck. MSNBC will re-air the original NBC coverage from September 2001. Really is this needed, is this what MSNBC thinks will be the ratings buster of the morning. What are they thinking, "While every other stations will carry the remembrance ceremony talking place at the ground zero site, we'll run show them, we'll run the original news broadcast from September 11th, 2001" Honestly we don't need this. I don't know what it feels like to have lost anyone during 9-11, a brother of mine, who worked in the towers, coincidently chose not to go to work that day, but I have to believe that the families of the victims don't want to relive their emotions on that day, I know I wouldn't.

Well until next time, don't watch MSNBC tomorrow morning !!!


At September 12, 2007 at 7:58 PM , Blogger Richard Gable said...

Spell check yo shit. I don't know what a gilr is....


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