Monday, December 10, 2007

The O Factor

Few celebrities can go by first name only. Some that come to mind are Tom ( Cruise), Will ( Smith) and Jack( Nicholson), ( and don't say I forgot Maddona because that's not her real name) and then there's Oprah. Sure maybe when you refer to actors named Tom, Will, or Jack some people may not link last names to the first right away, but when you say Oprah everyone knows exactly who you are talking about, talk show host Oprah Winfrey. The most famous woman in the United States, and maybe the world. Now she has thrown her public support to presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Oprah and Obama campaigned together in Iowa, and South Carolina, where they had to move the event to a college football stadium. So just how much influence can Oprah have over the Obama campaign? Well this is the woman who was sued and took the heat for a falling meat industry in the mid 1990's because she said on her show that she would never eat another hamburger. She's the same woman that when she picks a book for her book club it instantly becomes a best seller, and she's directly responsible for launching the television careers for Dr. Phil and Rachael Ray ( not so much for Ray, but Oprah was instrumental in getting Ray on network television, her production company also produces the show) . So just about everything she touches becomes gold, but the question is how much can she really help Obama? Well when you take into account that the majority of Oprah's audience are women, with most of them being middle- aged women, this could spell trouble for Hilliary Clinton, as Oprah's audience ( or target audience) makes up a large portion of her supporters. Its already a dead heat in Iowa and now in South Carolina between Obama and Clinton, and Oprah may be just what Obama needs to put him over the top. So the for Obama the "O" effect just might work.

Late breaking news.... Micheal Vick was sentenced to 23 months in prison. ... 23 months Damn dawg!!!

And after 6 Grammy nominations, the first photos of Amy Winehouse was that of her in London at night, bear foot, in her bra, crying and running through the streets. Amy seriously I think it is time for you to go to rehab. You're a talented woman, but if you're going with that Hendrix legends ticket, its not going to work. You're just going to be remembered as that girl that O.D.ed, oh what's her name??? Clean yourself up and make a career for yourself, if not then just die already!!!

And after rave reviews from the previous "What a Dumb Ass" segment I decided to continue on thanks to your love and support!!! This week's award goes to View co-host Sherri Shepherd. After Whoppi Goldberg brought up the subject of ancient religions, Ms. Shepherd, the same woman who couldn't come to a conclusion to if the world was flat or not, claimed that there were no religions before Christianity and that there was nothing before Jesus. Sherri, Sherri , Sherri, are you a High School drop out? Not saying that drop outs are automatically dumb, Peter Jennings turned out to be an intelligent man, but Sherri you are a rare breed aren't you? And for your uniqueness you are more than deserving for this award. No religions before Christianity? Really Sherri Shepherd? What a Dumb Ass!!!!

Until next time.... Question everything in your History of Religion class....Everything!!!!


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