Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Oh No!!! I Forgot My License.

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has given up on his plans to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants due to overwhelming lack of support. Wow what a revelation!! I've always been against this plan from the start. I mean kind of message are we sending out here, that you can come here illegally and then be rewarded? I don't think so. This was a plan that most of New York State was against, including many of the State's legislature including officials from both side of the color coded isle. Bronx Democratic Representative Jose Serrano stated that "This governor was not defeated by anything other than the hate in this country toward immigrants right now,". Hate really Jose hate.

Now I can't speak for any other American but I do know that I do not hate illegal immigrants, let alone immigrants, hell I myself am a child of an immigrant, but what people like rep. Serrano doesn't understand is no one is against immigration, as over 95% ( Don't know the exact number of people with Native American heritage, but I gather that its higher than 95% but I'm going to go with it anyway) of this country have roots that originates from another country. So no one is is against immigration, but against illegal immigration. Why can't people in power like rep Serrano understand that illegal means illegal. This is a tactic that people use to fool you on the issue. They'll conveniently leave off the word illegal, when speaking on the issue of illegal immigration and only say the words immigrants or immigration. So it then makes you think that "Hey my ( Great) Grandparents were immigrants why are we against this". So then you slowly stop thinking of people sneaking across our borders from all over the world ( not just Mexico) as illegal immigrants , but as regular immigrants. So for people who saying "Finally Spitzer got it" you're wrong, he doesn't get it he only bowed down to pressure to save himself political and personal embarrassment, because he knew this plan would never go through.

Now that the plan to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants in New York has been dropped, many will wonder what is th reaction of Hillary Clinton? Well she has come out to say that she supports Governor Spitzer's decision , and now she does not support giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Wow Hills wasn't it just a few weeks go when in a MSNBC debate you gave two different stances on this issue, saying first you did not support it, then saying you did, and then the next day you said that you support giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. So honestly where do you stand on the issue. Oh and not to leave him out Barrack Obama also said he supported the plan as well, but as of right now he hasn't been public about contradicting himself at least not yet.

Now on to something else... yesterday Georgia Governor Sonny Purdue stood in front of the capital building,( on the front lawn) and held a prayer session to cal for the end of the damaging drought that has enormously affected the state, although mostly Christian clergy showed up, people for all faiths were invited to joined in. Now I'm not sure if this was a violation of church and state because I've been hearing that the session took place just enough away from the building that it was "off the grounds". Now some people obviously have a problem with this and I would ask why ? If its not a violation of church and state, then what is the problem? If its the issue of a Governor praying in public, then again what's the problem? Can he not pray in public? Now if i was in shoes then I would've taken this prayer session to a church or prayed in private, but that's just me, but i don't see any problem with it. I mean just look at the current crop of presidential candidates all of which on both sides are church goers and people who pray. I mean of course we know of George Bush's religious views, and he often gets criticized for it, but what about people like Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John Edwards? Oh I forgot if we learned anything from the last presidential election which George Bush's backing of the Religious Right being played up in the media its that Democrats can't be Christians or even believe in a God. Well its just not in their nature right? ...Bull!!! Now let me reiterate, I don't agree with Governor Purdue praying in public in front of the Capital building but he has the all the right to do so.

Till next time .... Don't drive illegally!!!


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