Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm Shooting, Awe Made You Look!!!

In the Houston area of Texas, a home owner, 61 year old Joe Horn saw two burglars come outside of a neighbor after a robbery. Horn called the police about the robbery, while on the phone, the two burglars made their way onto Horn’s property. At this point Horn with shoot gun in hand made it known to the dispatcher that was making his way out onto his porch and was going to shoot the two men. The dispatcher continually tried to talk Horn down and tell him to put his gun down and wait until the Police arrived to his home. Horn ignored the dispatcher advice even at one point cocking his gun asking the dispatcher if he heard it. Horn came out to his porch and came within 10 feet of the burglars some reports say . At this point the burglars fled from Horn and were shot in the back. One man was shot twice while the other only once. Both men are dead. This sparked protest in the Houston and racial divide, wait did I say racial divide. Okay will let me explain, the two men who shot, Diego Ortiz and Hernando Torres are Latinos, but also noticeably Black Latinos, which is the most logical reason why the comical New Black Panther Party are involved in some of the protests. The protesters are saying that this Horn needs to be prosecuted, while his supporters are calling him a hero. Now another element is adding into this equation ( which makes Lou Dobbs’ penis rock hard), Ortiz and Torres are illegal immigrants from Columbia. Its funny how the term changes from undocumented workers to illegal immigrants when person(s) in question is involved in wrong doing, and I’m not just calling them illegal just to say it, that’s what every news outlet have called the two. So the question at the core of this situation is whether it’s self defense or is it murder. My take is that what Joe Horn did was murder and I’ll tell you why.

I’m not a lawyer nor do I have a criminal justice degree, but I think that when the two burglars fled from Mr. Horn that’s when it stopped being self defense. I don’t see how when you shoot someone in the back without physical contact is self defense. I understand the fear that might’ve gripped Mr. Horn, seeing the guys who just robbed your neighbors house coming to do the same to yours. He must have been terrified and his first reaction was to protect himself, that’s understandable and should be taken into account when /if Horn is prosecuted, even though it turns out that the two men were not armed. Even after saying all that I still maintain that this is murder. However I do not think that Mr. Horn should get a harsh sentence maybe probation would be good, but considering the area’s apparent discord, Horn needs to be prosecuted. It should be worth noting that technically what Horn did , may not illegal under Texas law, which says that you can use deadly force to protect your property or the property of a neighbor. On second thought it was clearly heard on the tape Horn saying “I’m going to kill them” so the was intent there, throw the book at this bitch

And in movie news, “Alvin and the Chipmunks “ movie will be opening this week Friday, December 14th . You know I never understood how a world renowned music group of singing and instrument playing rodents could always be in danger of losing their home, and how they could inter act with human children or even speak English, or speak for that matter!!! Ah well after all it’s a cartoon, a cartoon that anyone around my age knows the words to the theme song and I did have a talking Alvin doll as a child, and I did name my first pet, a Parakeet, Alvin after the cartoon chipmunk. Now that I think about it. Alvin was the ‘stud” of the group, I wonder how much tail he got on tour. Ah questions about fictional cartoon character deserves fictional cartoon answers. So let me say this to all of those who may be wondering, NO I WILL NOT SEEING THIS FUCKING MOVIE!!!!

Until next time.... Joe Horn try to stay out of trouble on your downtime from the NFL. Please!!!!


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