Monday, December 17, 2007

Homicide is Illegal and Death is the Penalty.

Today my state, New Jersey is the first state to abolish the Death Penalty, since it was reinstated in 1976. I agree with this decision, using the Death penalty as a deterrent to violent crime as is often the justification used to defend the Death penalty is false. Murders are still committed in Death penalty states and even in record numbers in some states. I have always thought of the punishment as not only barbaric but very hypocritical. How can we say that a crime that so horrible as premeditated murder, a crime that brings out the absolute worst in a human being. and condemn it to the highest extent, but then turn abound and to the same thing? Just because its sanctioned by the state doesn't make it right. Now I haven't had any of my family or friends murdered so. I can't put myself in the shoes of a someone who have been through that kind of experience. All I know if I had the unfortunate chance to go thought that one of the first things in terms of revenge would be to kill the murderer, and have him or her dead. But I don't think we can can do that and still continue to claim our virtuosity in this country.

The Death penalty represents the ugliness in the human soul, and the vigilante spirit that we are told to rail against. Just because a person( s) took it into their own hands to decide when another person dies doesn't mean the we should. However I do believe that this should have been up for vote and left to the residents of New Jersey to decide to get rid of the Death penalty or not. Maybe it's better that we didn't get a vote as various polls are indicating that the State of New Jersey would still have the Death penalty if it came to a vote. Oh well what can you do, everyone doesn't think the same way as you.

Until next time.... enjoy life in prison death row inmates, you're having the best week ever!!!


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