Thursday, November 29, 2007

Is She Dead Yet?

In dead girl who we think is dead but the body hasn't turned up yet news, there appears to be a "break" in the two year old case of missing Natalie Holloway. Aruban officials have arrested for the second time Joran van der Sloot and brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, for connection with the murder of Natalie Holloway. The three young men are being charged with voluntary manslaughter. Now I'm not a police man or have a degree in forensic science, but without a body how can you be charged manslaughter, maybe I'm missing something here , but I just don't get it. Maybe the Aruban police are racking under pressure or their being extremely tight lipped about the situation, but to me no body equals no murder or at least no proof of murder.

In other suspected dead girl news the body of Stacey ( not to be confused with Lacey) Peterson has yet to be found but there is mass speculation that she was killed by her husband retired Illinois police officer Drew Peterson. What the hell is wrong with these Petersons and their wives? it doesn't look good for Drew, information is now coming in that his third wife, who thought was accidentally killed in a bath tub drowning was actually murdered, and now his fourth wife Stacey turns up missing. I think we can put two and two together and figure out what happened to both wives. Drew who knew?

Now its time for me to introduce my new segment called " What a Dumb Ass". I'm proud to announce the first award ever goes to presidential candidate former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Last night during the CNN Youtube debate a question was asked what they candidates would do curb black on black crime especially murder in the inner city. Romney said he would make sure that there's more mom and dads, because a child benefits from having both parents in their lives. Now this is an example of something that sounds nice when you first hear it but after you think about it you just say "What???" and I was saying what as soon as the words left his Stepford mouth. How can you as president of the United States make people get married or stay involved in their child's life, it just doesn't make sense. So for that remark Gov. Romney I have to say to you...... What a Dumb Ass.

Until next time try not to kill your wives you savage Petersons!!!


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