Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Juice is Loose

Today the much talked about "If I Did It" the OJ Simpson book where he discusses the now infamous murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. In one chapter he gives an imaginary overview of how he would've killed the two murder victims. This book was supposed to be accompanied with a television special in which Simpson would be interviewed, with the exclusive rights of the interview going to FOX. As many know due to the extreme backlash of the proposed interview FOX was compelled to scrap the interview and with the exclusive interview gone ultimately the the book itself was dropped as well. So one would think that a book would be dead and buried, but that's not what happened. The Goldman's, who won a civil case against Simpson are still owned money from Simpson, which he was ordered to pay millions of dollars to the Goldman family, have gone to court to and have won the rights to "If I Did It", and well that bring us up to this date, the date of the book's release.

Now I'm sure some people well say hey, they ( The Goldman's) by law deserve any proceeds that may come from that money, and I would have to agree, but here is where it gets cloudy for me. Why would a father want to publish a book that describes how your son's alleged killer, killed your son. I understand that they want to take money out of OJ's pockets, that's fine with me, legally that's there right until they are given what they are owed as far a monetary payment is concerned, but is getting the money that important to them that The Goldman's would seek to this low. I'm not a father, I would want to be one sometime in the future, but come on, this is the man that you feel so certain killed your son, this is a man who you believe who heartedly killed the mother of his children, and according to you got away with murder. So why would you want to give this man anymore press. The book was so far tainted that OJ was never going to find another publisher for it just based on the bad press that accompanied the project. But I guess with the Goldman's having the book now, it can be spun in a different way but it still doesn't change the contents of the book. Again I'm not a father, but if I were I would not want to put out a book by son's killer.

Until next time, this is how I would've written this blog entry...." If I Wrote It".


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