Sunday, October 28, 2007

America's Game?

Are you ready for some Football? No not Soccer, Football!!!. If you haven't heard today is a historic day for American sports. The first NFL regular season game will be played outside of the United States, in London, England. The New York ( Football) Giants, (as if there is another New York Giants these days) will be facing the Miami Dolphins. Sounds good right, you have two historic NFL teams making more history, wait not so fast. The NFL are treat ( if you want to look at that way) to a horrible match up. In a city where most random city residents, would be stumped in the presence of an NFL Football, the NFL gives them the 5-2 Giants and the 0-7 Dolphins. I know that this game was planned well in advance, and no one thought that the Miami team would be this bad, but for such a monumental moment in sports history, The NFL has chosen to showcase the league in another country with a game that has no star power at all. To be fair the Giants have an emerging star in Eli Manning, but again I said emerging.

Now I have no problem with the game being played in London, but now there is talk of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, strongly considering having regular season games from now on being played outside of the United States. even the Super Bowl in London. Now call me unjustly patriotic, but a Super Bowl in London come on now. Football is America's game. Outside of a marginally popular Canadian league, Football is an American sport. Can you imagine the World Series being played in London? Of course not, it wouldn't even be dreamed of. Now it seems that Goodell has gone London crazy, as there is talks of putting an NFL franchise in the city. Why? I ask, when you can put a new franchise in an American city. Now again I have no problem with the game in London, and I wouldn't mind seeing other regular season games in London, or some where else in the world. But the Roger Goodell and the NFL must know that unlike, Basketball and Baseball, two sports that are already global, American Football is not, and in my opinion will never be. You go outside of the the United States and ask people who is the biggest star in Football, and their response won't be Peyton Manning or Tom Brady, but David Beckham, because around the world except in the United States of America, Football is Scoccer.


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