Thursday, September 20, 2007

Don't Tase Me Bro!!

Its been a big news week, with most of the coverage going to the one and only O.J. Simpson. If you've haven't been living under a rock ( is that the same as living in a cave?) you should know that O.J. Simpson was arrested for his part in breaking into of hotel room over the weekend. ( Would that classify as a hotel invasion? Second off color question so far in placed in parentheses, interesting. ) He said he was only trying to retrieve his stuff, or as he called in in the armed robbery tape, his shit. Stuff such as memorabilia that was stolen from him, as he claims. So far....wait did I just type that the robbery was taped? Taped by a friend of O.J. and then sold like a Britney Spears psychiatry case folder to Yes this guy Riccio, an apparent career criminal and one of O.J.'s best friends sold the tape to TMZ first than to hand it over to the authorities. Did I mention that I think this was a set up?

Now before you ( the reader, as if I needed to stress that point) say but didn't he actually broke into the room and forcible ( with weapons) stole what was in the room, let me say of course he did I agree with you, so calm your ass down. O.J. seems to be a stupid man, ever since he was acquitted back in the early nineties he has been unable to keep himself out of trouble. You would think that a man who many, I might go as far to say the majority of the country believes got away with murder, would be a model citizen, but O.J. is not that smart. Even in this current case he surrounds himself with the shadiest characters he can find and befriends them, that's not smart O.J. You're a 60 year old man, act like it ( what ever that means). As we all know by now, he as made bail and is back on his way to Florida. Here's a tip, O.J. as you may or may not be facing life in prison, or should I say life for a 60 year old man, stay out of the news, let the only news that comes out about you be from the reports who are on the case. That's just a suggestion.

Also today many black civil rights activist such as Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and hip hop star Mos Def are coming together along with thousands of other participants in Jena, Louisiana in support of the Jena Six. This case have been going on for a long time now, months if I recall, but its only been in the last few weeks that this case have hit the mainstream news. Now you may still be in the dark about this case so let me lay it down for you. Five out of six black students were charged for attempted murder of a white student after a school fight. Yes a good ole' fashion six on one. Now weather it was the defendants who were part of the fight lets make it clear that the fight did happen, what provoked it is unknown but it did happened and know one is denying that. What people are up in arms about it the attempted murder charge . The white student did go to the hospital due to his injuries, but he was also released the same day and attended a planned school function. Now I don't know about you but that just screams out Attempted Murder!!( Sarcasm if you don't know). You know what he would say back in my day, which wasn't too long ago since I'm still in my mid 20's? Well first we wouldn't call this an attempted murder, we would say the kid got jumped, which happened more often then you think. Damn kids are pussies these days.

Let me also lay some more down for you. Jena just seems to be a town that is unwilling to admit to it's racism. In the same High School where this attack occurred, nooses placed on a tree on school grounds, where black students sat under a tree , that was known ans a "whites only" tree. Of course most white people in the town, maybe out of fear of the consequences of the students who placed the noose, or maybe not, just passed it off as a practical joke. ( By the way there were only suspended) Wow I can't wait to see a Youtube video of lynching bloopers. Let me also lay this down, the make of Jena is as follows, out of the estimated 3, 000 residents of Jena 85% are white and 12% are black. So you can only imagine how hot the racial tensions in the small town is getting.

Finally let me alluded to my title of course you have seen the Florida college student getting teased during a John Kerry visit to his school. Well let me say this after being force fed this video for two days now. From what I have heard is that this kid went way over his time limit for questioning, and was told repeatedly to step down, and then as all of us have seen the campus police were called in to restrain him. As we can see its clear that he's vigorously resiting arrest or resisting the will of the police. Now I don't agree with use of the teaser on this young man, but he got what he deserved. As black people know ( just ask a black guy, hey that's sounds like comedy bit) when you resist arrest something bad always happens. Maybe this kid thought he didn't have to listen to the police when they tired to escort him out, or when they told him to turn over on your stomach, and calm down or your will be tased. In my opinion when you better listen to the police because they don't make idle threats.


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