Friday, November 2, 2007

God Doesn't Hate Fags, He Hates You!!

Albert Snyder of York Pennsylvania won a lawsuit worth an upward of $11 million Wednesday against, a Kansas church, who's member pickets military funerals, holding hateful signs, that reads " God hate Fags"or " Thank God for Dead Soldiers " and others along that line. The church led by pastor Warren Phelps believes that the war in Iraq is punishment by God for the United States' tolerances of homosexuals. Snyder sued the church after they protested the 2006 funeral of his, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, a solider who was killed in Iraq. Phelps and his two daughters, Shirley and Rebeca, were found liable for invasion of privacy and intent to inflict emotional distress. Although the church was sued by Snyder, he and his family are not the only victims of this hateful church. the are notoriously known for demonstrating outside ceremonies held for fallen soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan. Their "efforts" forced Congress to pass laws prohibiting protest such as those organized by Phelps's congregation at federal cemeteries.

Well what can I say, did Phelps and his family, sorry I mean his congregation that just happens to be made up his family,not learn the part of Christianity that says that God loves all of his creations, or how about the love they neighbor thing. Now there are people who might cry and say "Wait what about freedom of speech?". In my un-humble opinion, I don't give a fuck. When you protest a funeral, something that is supposed to be a private affair for family, friends and others who want to pay respects to a loved one, you are scum and nothing more. Now this Phelps guy can hide behind his supposed Christianity all he wants, but tell me what part of the deal includes protesting and spewing hatred at funerals, I got a quick answer to that...none.

Now on to another story that has gained steam th last couple of days, which is the racist ranting s of one Duane " Dog " Chapman, AKA Dog The Bounty Hunter. If you don't now he has come under fire for using the word nigger or what Politically correct white people too shook of being labeled racist, call the N-word. Yes that's right the Born again, Ice addict hunter, No I'm not and 80's wrestler, Bruh himself, was taped by his son using the word to berate his girlfriend who just happens to be Black. In the tape , Dog said that " Its not because she's black or Mexican , its just that we say the word nigger around here" ( note this a paraphrase) be then goes on to call her a black nigger and repeat the word numerous times during the conversation. Well, well, well what a pickle you have put yourself into Dog ( I sound like Randy Jackson commenting on an American Idol contestant who's vocal is out of the park, but forgot half of the lyrics) now your show on A&E has been suspended indefinitely. Let me say that this is indeed a racist rant no matter how you slice it. If he just lost control and went on a tirade then, there is some deep rooted issues there. And if this is a word that he uses in daily life, then must ask why? Maybe you should have used Don Imus's favorite term, Nappy headed Ho, except drop the nappy headed. Sure you're calling a woman a ho, and for Born Again Christian that's quite the paradox, but still you would've been seen as calling out her character, not making a racial slur. Now let me say that this is inexcusable for Dog to be saying this, but also let me say with the risk of being called an Uncle Tom or a coon, by pseudo-intellectual blacks, who missed the Civil Rights Era, because they were born about 20 - 30 years too late, personally I do not think the Dog is racist.
if anyone knows anything about the man's background, they would know that he hasn't always been a model citizen, and starting at a young age has been in out of the Southern jail system. Even serving a stint in prison as a young adult. So maybe its been possible that in the past he may have been a racist, or held racist views. I mean its not out of question is it? . Here's a guy who since getting out of prison some 25-30 years ago, has changed his life for the better. So I have to ask, is a guy who accompanies his Black minister when he goes to inner-city churches ( Black churches) and helps out inner-city youth ( Black youth). honestly does that sound like a racist to you. May take on it is that Dog is a guy with a checkered past, who is still fighting to keep that part of his life dead and buried, where it belongs. Is he a racist, I say no. Now on the Black Out.

Urban radio host Warren Ballentine( I say Urban so you guys will know he's black, because hasn't that word just become another word to describer black institution anyway?) called for a national Black Out this Friday ( today) where blacks and others ( yes that includes white people too) to not spend their money, or if they do only contribute to black owned business to combat the racial and economic injustice in our justice system. Ballentine, a lawyer, said this was in reaction to cases such as the Jena Six, and Genarlow Wilson. He was also joined in his effects by
syndicated radio host Micheal Baisden, and the Rev. Al Sharpton ( The man who has Dog The Bounty Hunter shook right now). The scheduled one day protest was spread for the most part through urban radio and the internet. Let me say i found out about this through the net myself and thought it was stupid. I get it, lets fight injustice by not buying anything for one day, wow pretty impressive. i wonder how many people took part in this protest

Until next time, don't buy anything...ever!!!!


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